Minimum and Maximum Filters

Minimum and maximum filters can be applied to data columns to restrict the values used during analysis. These filters are used on Data Components or Data Loader Components.

Minimum and maximum filters applied to a Data Component only affect the Data Component's data and its child components. Different Minimum and maximum filters can be used on different Data Components that use the same data column. This may be useful to compare graphs with different cuts or caps.

Minimum and maximum filters applied to a Data Loader Component affect the data wherever the data column is used.

Note: If minimum and maximum filters are defined at multiple levels, the one with the highest minimum and the lowest maximum is used.

Data Types

Minimum and maximum filters are primarily used on numerical data. The filters can be used for columns that have a string data, but this impacts the way the data is handled and reported. For example, if a numeric data type is selected and string data is uploaded, data outside of the filter range is reported as missing in the Column Definition Table and data outside of the range in the Load Summary Window produces an error. Selecting the string data type in the Column Definition Table results in the data showing as normal and in the Load Summary Window strings that are not numeric do not produce an error.

Note: The data is still available for graphing, regardless of the data type chosen in the Column Definition Table.

Value Types

Minimum and maximum filters can be entered as:

  • Absolute values
  • Percentiles (%)
  • Top-cut values (@)
  • Greater than or less than values (< or >)