Use the Expressions Library

Expressions are user-defined key value pairs that can be reused in other parts of the program, such as Calculated Columns. Expressions are stored in the Expression Library.

Activity Steps

  1. In the Component Options panel, click on the Library tab.
  2. Click Expressions to open the Expressions Library.
  3. Enter a Key. This is the name of the expression that is used when calculating columns.
  4. Enter the Expression in the same row as the Key.
  5. If required, add a Comment.
  6. Use the expression when creating new calculated columns by entering the Key prefixed by $ into the Expression column of the Column Definition Table.

Note: It is not advisable to start column names with $. If a calculated column name and an expression key have the same name then the expression key takes precedence and the calculated column is replaced with the value of the expression key.