Authorise Holes for Charge Loading

If charge authorisation is enabled in Basic Mine Site Settings, when you export charge loading designs, only data for authorised holes displays.

To authorise holes:

  1. Select the Charge module.
  2. Select a charge pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.

    The charge pattern displays in the Viewport.

  3. Select holes as required. See Select Objects in the Viewport.
  4. On the Charge Loading Ribbon Menu, in the Authorise group, click Authorise Holes.

    A confirmation message displays.

  5. Click Yes.

    The Properties Pane displays updated data for the following hole properties:

    • Charge Authorised—Set to True.
    • Charge Authorised Changed—The date and time when the hole was authorised.
    • Charge Authorised Changed By—The user who authorised the holes.

To remove the authorisation from holes:

  1. Select the Charge module.
  2. Select a charge pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.
  3. Select holes as required.
  4. On the Charge Loading ribbon menu, in the Authorise group, click Unauthorise Holes.

    A confirmation message displays.

  5. Click Yes.

    The Properties Pane displays updated data for the following hole properties:

    • Charge Authorised—Set to False.
    • Charge Authorised Changed—The date and time when the hole was unauthorised.
    • Charge Authorised Changed By—The user who unauthorised the holes.