
Patterns are named groups of holes. Patterns display in the Viewport with their unique ID on a leader and a boundary around all the included holes. For a list of pattern properties, see Pattern Properties.

The following table has an overview of the pattern types in DataBlast Pro.

Pattern Type




Can a Hole be in Multiple Patterns?

Drill Pattern


Drill Pattern icon (idle state)

Drill Pattern icon (live state)

The drill pattern is the core pattern type for drilling management. All holes must belong to a drill pattern. A hole cannot belong to more than one drill pattern.

Import or create drill patterns in the Design Module. See Drill Pattern Design.

If the icon is inverted; that is, is white on a blue background, the pattern is 'live' and can be synchronised to BlastPad devices. See BlastPad.


Reporting Pattern


Reporting Pattern icon

A reporting pattern is an optional way to group holes for reporting purposes. The holes in a reporting pattern can be in different drill patterns; however, a hole cannot belong to more than one reporting pattern.

Create reporting patterns in the Design module, and assign holes to the reporting patterns in the Design module, Drill Module or Measure Module. See Maintain Reporting Patterns.


User-Defined Group


User Defined Group icon

A user-defined group is another optional way to group holes for reporting purposes. The holes in a user-defined group can be in different drill patterns.

Create and manage user-defined groups in the Measure module. See Maintain User-Defined Groups.


Backfill Pattern


Backfill Pattern icon

A backfill pattern is used to manage holes that have been drilled but need to be backfilled.

Create and manage backfill patterns in the Measure module when you create a backfill sheet. See Generate and Print a Backfill Sheet.


Charge Pattern


Charge Pattern icon

A charge pattern is a group of holes to which a single charge rule is applied. This charge rule defines the charging parameters for each hole in the charge pattern.

Create and manage charge patterns in the Charge Module. See Charge Patterns.


Blast Pattern


Blast Pattern icon

A blast pattern is an aggregation of multiple charge patterns; for example, for a blast with both main holes and trim holes.

Charge rules cannot be applied to blast patterns.

Create and manage blast patterns in the Charge module. See Blast Patterns.


Initiation Pattern


Initiation Pattern icon

An initiation pattern is a group of holes that are tied together by either a non-electric or electronic initiation system. Initiation patterns are the object that is fired.

Create and manage initiation patterns in the Initiation Module.


Firing Pattern FP_ Firing Pattern icon

A firing pattern is a group of holes from one or more entire authorised initiation patterns, and for which safety information can be calculated and displayed.

Create and manage firing patterns in the Firing Module.
