Record Stock Movement
You can record stock movement for any product assigned to a stock point. See Maintain Products at a Stock Point.
To record a stock movement:
- On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Inventory.
The Inventory screen displays.
- Select a stock point node in the DataBlast Items Tree of the Inventory screen.
The products at the stock point display in the top table.
- Select the product.
- Select the Movement Type from:
- Incoming - Supplier
- Incoming - Pattern
- Incoming - Storage Location
- Outgoing - Supplier
- Outgoing - Pattern
- Outgoing - Storage Location
- Outgoing - Destruction
- Manual Adjustment
- Select the Date/Time, or click Now to record the movement at the current time.
Note: The date/time displays in red text if it is earlier than an existing stocktake.
- Enter the Quantity.
Note: A negative quantity is only possible for manual adjustments.
- For an incoming or outgoing movement from or to a supplier, pattern or storage location, select the Source/Destination as applicable.
Note: Only charge or initiation patterns linked to active drill patterns display.
- Select the operator that the movement is Authorised By from the defined operators who have the Shotfirer or Magazine Keeper competency. See Maintain Operators.
Note: The operator name displays in red text if the operator's competency has expired.
- Enter Comments if required.
- Click Add.
DataBlast Pro saves the changes and updates the Stock Balance of the product.
To edit a stock movement record:
- Select the stock movement record in the bottom table.
- Click Edit Stock Movement Record.
- Edit the following fields as required.
- Date/Time
- Quantity
- Source/Destination
- Authorised By
- Comments—Required when editing a stock movement record.
Note: The Movement Type cannot be edited.
- Click Update.
DataBlast Pro saves the changes.
- To view previous versions of the stock movement record, click the Expand icon for the row.
To filter the stock movement records:
- Above the stock movements table, set the filter as required from:
- 30 Days
- 60 Days
- 90 Days
- All