Maintain G-Blast Charge Standards
Access G-Blast charge standards:
- On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Site Maintenance.
The Site Maintenance screen displays.
- Select the Charge Standards » G-Blast node.
The G-Blast Charge Standard Maintenance Ribbon Menu displays.
To create a G-Blast charge standard:
- Select the Initiation System Type from Non-Electric and Electronic.
This field is then read-only until the new G-Blast component has been saved (or the changes have been abandoned).
- On the G-Blast Charge Standard Maintenance ribbon menu, click Add Charge Standard.
The G-Blast Charge Standard Creation screen displays.
- Select the Drill Diameter from the allowed diameters. See Configure Mine Site Settings. The diameter range is the selected diameter +/- 10%. For example, a 150 mm standard can be used with a 140 mm and a 159 mm hole but not with a 200 mm hole.
- Select whether this G-Blast charge standard is an Inhibited Charge Standard. If checked, only inhibited G-Blast components can be assigned to the G-Blast charge standard. This setting is read-only after the G-Blast charge standard has been created.
- Click OK.
The G-Blast Charge Standard screen displays.
- Enter general details for the G-Blast charge standard:
- Enter the Name.
- Update the Drill Diameter if required.
- Select whether to use Integrated Backfill. If checked, assume that the explosives will be loaded only from the target charge depth; that is, if holes are longer than the target charge depth, they will be backfilled.
- Update the Blast Type if required. Select from charge standard blast types that have the applicable initiation system type. See Maintain Charge Standard Blast Types.
- Select the Charge Standard if no Strata Intersections:
- Click the ellipsis (...).
The Charge Standard Selection screen displays charge standards with the same initiation system type and drill diameter as the G-Blast charge standard.
- Select the charge standard.
- Click Select.
- Click the ellipsis (...).
- Select the Z Timing Zone from Z timing zones configured in Site Maintenance. Only applicable to electronic initiation system types and for holes that do not intersect a stratum.
- Update the following dimensions as required.
- Sky Strata Offset—Distance above the collar surface for which the stratum influences the charge design.
- Sump Strata Offset—Distance below the toe surface for which the stratum influences charge placement.
- Preconditioning Depth—The depth below the collar surface that is impacted by previous blasting above.
- Burden—Used for design powder factor calculations.
- Spacing—Used for design powder factor calculations.
- Subgrade—Used for design powder factor calculations.
- Bench Height—Used for design powder factor calculations.
- Minimum Charge Length for Dewatered—The dewatered charge length is calculated based on measured water depth. Typical minimum length: 5 diameters.
- Wet Wall Cover
- Add at least one stratum:
- Click Add.
The G-Blast Charge Standard Strata screen displays.
- Select the Strata.
- Select the Above-Strata G-Blast Component:
- Click the ellipsis (...).
The G-Blast Component Selection screen displays G-Blast components with the same initiation system type and drill diameter as the G-Blast charge standard.
Note: Editing a G-Blast component does not affect existing G-Blast charge standards that already use that component. The G-Blast charge standard retains an historical copy of the components. To use an updated component, you must reselect it in the G-Blast charge standard configuration. (The same logic applies for the conventional charge standard specified for use when there are no strata intersections.)
- Select the G-Blast component.
- Click View Dimensions to view further information in the G-Blast Component Dimensions screen if required.
- Click Select.
- Click the ellipsis (...).
- Select the Below-Strata G-Blast Component.
- Select the Between-Strata G-Blast Component if there are to be multiple strata.
Note: You do not need to select this component when entering the bottom stratum. Select this component when configuring components for upper strata. This component is only used when a hole intersects two seams.
- For each G-Blast component, select the Z Timing Zone as required.
- Click Add.
- For each stratum, update the following fields as required.
- Nominal Width—The nominal width of the stratum.
- Nominal Parting—The nominal distance between this stratum and the stratum above it. Only applicable for lower strata.
- To reorder strata, click the arrow buttons as required, or click Insert to insert a strata.
- To edit a stratum, select the strata and click Edit.
- To delete a stratum, select the strata and click Delete.
- Click Save Changes.
To run a hole simulation for a G-Blast charge standard:
- Open the G-Blast Charge Standard screen.
- Update the Hole Depth if required.
- Update the Strata Dip if required.
- Select the definition type from:
- Dry
- Wet
- Dewatered—Move the slider to the right to increase the dewater level. You can enter a precise value later in the simulation.
The diagram on the right displays how the hole is to be charged.
- To vary the simulated height of the seam within the hole:
- Click the line once to display the selectors.
- Drag one of the selectors left or right.
- Click again to stop moving the line.
- To view a more detailed simulation:
- Click Hole Sim.
The G-Blast Charge Hole Simulator screen displays.
Note: This functionality is only available to users with Super Admin permissions. See Users and Security.
- Update the Hole Depth if required.
- Update the Target Charge Depth if required. Only applicable if Integrated Backfill is checked.
- Update the Dewater Level if the definition type is Dewatered.
- For each strata, select whether to calculate for a Roof Intercept and Floor Intercept and enter the heights of the intercepts as required.
- Select whether to display Raw Decks. If unchecked, consecutive decks of the same material display as a single deck.
- Click Calculate Layout.
The diagram displays how the hole is to be charged.
- Click Hole Sim.
To copy a G-Blast charge standard:
- Select the G-Blast charge standard.
- On the G-Blast Charge Standard Maintenance ribbon menu, click Duplicate Charge Standard.
- Edit the G-Blast charge standard as required.
- Click Save Changes.
To deactivate a G-Blast charge standard:
- Uncheck Active for the G-Blast charge standard.
- Click Save Changes.