Maintain G-Blast Charge Standards

Access G-Blast charge standards:

  1. On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Site Maintenance.

    The Site Maintenance screen displays.

  2. Select the Charge Standards » G-Blast node.

    The G-Blast Charge Standard Maintenance Ribbon Menu displays.

To create a G-Blast charge standard:

  1. Select the Initiation System Type from Non-Electric and Electronic.

    This field is then read-only until the new G-Blast component has been saved (or the changes have been abandoned).

  2. On the G-Blast Charge Standard Maintenance ribbon menu, click Add Charge Standard.

    The G-Blast Charge Standard Creation screen displays.

  3. Select the Drill Diameter from the allowed diameters. See Configure Mine Site Settings. The diameter range is the selected diameter +/- 10%. For example, a 150 mm standard can be used with a 140 mm and a 159 mm hole but not with a 200 mm hole.
  4. Select whether this G-Blast charge standard is an Inhibited Charge Standard. If checked, only inhibited G-Blast components can be assigned to the G-Blast charge standard. This setting is read-only after the G-Blast charge standard has been created.
  5. Click OK.

    The G-Blast Charge Standard screen displays.

  6. Enter general details for the G-Blast charge standard:
    1. Enter the Name.
    2. Update the Drill Diameter if required.
    3. Select whether to use Integrated Backfill. If checked, assume that the explosives will be loaded only from the target charge depth; that is, if holes are longer than the target charge depth, they will be backfilled.
    4. Update the Blast Type if required. Select from charge standard blast types that have the applicable initiation system type. See Maintain Charge Standard Blast Types.
    5. Select the Charge Standard if no Strata Intersections:
      1. Click the ellipsis (...).

        The Charge Standard Selection screen displays charge standards with the same initiation system type and drill diameter as the G-Blast charge standard.

      2. Select the charge standard.
      3. Click Select.
    6. Select the Z Timing Zone from Z timing zones configured in Site Maintenance. Only applicable to electronic initiation system types and for holes that do not intersect a stratum.
  7. Update the following dimensions as required.
    • Sky Strata Offset—Distance above the collar surface for which the stratum influences the charge design.
    • Sump Strata Offset—Distance below the toe surface for which the stratum influences charge placement.
    • Preconditioning Depth—The depth below the collar surface that is impacted by previous blasting above.
    • Burden—Used for design powder factor calculations.
    • Spacing—Used for design powder factor calculations.
    • Subgrade—Used for design powder factor calculations.
    • Bench Height—Used for design powder factor calculations.
    • Minimum Charge Length for Dewatered—The dewatered charge length is calculated based on measured water depth. Typical minimum length: 5 diameters.
    • Wet Wall Cover
  8. Add at least one stratum:
    1. Click Add.

      The G-Blast Charge Standard Strata screen displays.

    2. Select the Strata.
    3. Select the Above-Strata G-Blast Component:
      1. Click the ellipsis (...).

        The G-Blast Component Selection screen displays G-Blast components with the same initiation system type and drill diameter as the G-Blast charge standard.

        Note: Editing a G-Blast component does not affect existing G-Blast charge standards that already use that component. The G-Blast charge standard retains an historical copy of the components. To use an updated component, you must reselect it in the G-Blast charge standard configuration. (The same logic applies for the conventional charge standard specified for use when there are no strata intersections.)

      2. Select the G-Blast component.
      3. Click View Dimensions to view further information in the G-Blast Component Dimensions screen if required.
      4. Click Select.
    4. Select the Below-Strata G-Blast Component.
    5. Select the Between-Strata G-Blast Component if there are to be multiple strata.

      Note: You do not need to select this component when entering the bottom stratum. Select this component when configuring components for upper strata. This component is only used when a hole intersects two seams.

    6. For each G-Blast component, select the Z Timing Zone as required.
  9. For each stratum, update the following fields as required.
    1. Nominal Width—The nominal width of the stratum.
    2. Nominal Parting—The nominal distance between this stratum and the stratum above it. Only applicable for lower strata.
  10. To reorder strata, click the arrow buttons as required, or click Insert to insert a strata.
  11. To edit a stratum, select the strata and click Edit.
  12. To delete a stratum, select the strata and click Delete.
  13. Click Save Changes.

To run a hole simulation for a G-Blast charge standard:

  1. Open the G-Blast Charge Standard screen.
  2. Update the Hole Depth if required.
  3. Update the Strata Dip if required.
  4. Select the definition type from:
    • Dry
    • Wet
    • Dewatered—Move the slider to the right to increase the dewater level. You can enter a precise value later in the simulation.

    The diagram on the right displays how the hole is to be charged.

  5. To vary the simulated height of the seam within the hole:
    1. Click the line once to display the selectors.
    2. Drag one of the selectors left or right.
    3. Click again to stop moving the line.
  6. To view a more detailed simulation:
    1. Click Hole Sim.

      The G-Blast Charge Hole Simulator screen displays.

      Note: This functionality is only available to users with Super Admin permissions. See Users and Security.

    2. Update the Hole Depth if required.
    3. Update the Target Charge Depth if required. Only applicable if Integrated Backfill is checked.
    4. Update the Dewater Level if the definition type is Dewatered.
    5. For each strata, select whether to calculate for a Roof Intercept and Floor Intercept and enter the heights of the intercepts as required.
    6. Select whether to display Raw Decks. If unchecked, consecutive decks of the same material display as a single deck.
    7. Click Calculate Layout.

      The diagram displays how the hole is to be charged.

To copy a G-Blast charge standard:

  1. Select the G-Blast charge standard.
  2. On the G-Blast Charge Standard Maintenance ribbon menu, click Duplicate Charge Standard.
  3. Edit the G-Blast charge standard as required.
  4. Click Save Changes.

To deactivate a G-Blast charge standard:

  1. Uncheck Active for the G-Blast charge standard.
  2. Click Save Changes.