Add Database Permissions

Important: This activity should be performed by the Database Installer, who must have adequate network, domain and administrator permissions to the installation machines.

See User Security and Database Access for a list of the required permissions for the DataBlast database and the DataBlast Reporting database.

See for more detailed steps if required.

Activity Steps

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Log in.
  3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Security » Logins node.
  4. Add new login users or user groups as required.
  5. For each login user or group:
    1. On the Status tab:
      1. Set Permission to connect to database engine to Grant.
      2. Set Login to Enabled.
    2. On the User Mapping tab:
      1. Check Map for the DataBlast and DataBlast Reporting databases as required.
      2. Check (that is, select) the required database role memberships.
    3. Click OK.