User Security and Database Access

Important: Ensure that you configure the required accounts before installing DataBlast Pro. These accounts affect the operation of the system, who can access the system and which parts of the system have permissions to update other parts of the system.

Roles and User/Group Accounts


Recommended User/Group Account

DataBlast Client users

DataBlast User (or Group)

DataBlast Reporting database users

DataBlast Reporter (or Group)

Logon user of the DataBlast Service

DataBlast Service Account User

Users who install any DataBlast Client

DataBlast Workstation Installer

User who installs the DataBlast Server and system

DataBlast System Installer

User who configures the databases

Database Installer

Domain and Access Permissions

User/Group Account

Access Permissions

DataBlast User (or Group)

Local machine user

DataBlast Service Account User

Access to external drill databases or files

DataBlast System Installer

Administrator access for installing software

Access to external drill databases or files for testing purposes

DataBlast Workstation Installer

Administrator access for installing software
Database Installer Network permissions for looking up and setting domain groups and adding groups and users to databases

Database Permissions

See Add Database Permissions.

User/Group Account

DataBlast Database Permissions DataBlast Reporting Database Permissions

DataBlast User (or Group)

Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO Read

DataBlast Reporter (or Group)

None Read

DataBlast Service Account User

Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO

DataBlast Workstation Installer

Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO

DataBlast System Installer

Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO Read / Write / Execute Scripts or DBO

Database Installer

Create and DBO

Administrator access for adding groups and users

Create and DBO

Administrator access for adding groups and users

Recommended Security Groups

If your deployment uses domain security, Datamine recommends that you set up two domain security groups with appropriate database access:

  1. DataBlast User Group—All domain users who have access to the DataBlast Clients. DBO access to the DataBlast database is recommended for this group.
  2. DataBlast Reporter Group—All domain users who have access to the DataBlast Reporting database. Read-only access to the DataBlast Reporting database is recommended for this group.