Configure Database Connection Settings
Important: This activity should be performed by the DataBlast System Installer, who must have adequate network, domain and administrator permissions to the installation machines.
Activity Steps
- In Windows File Explorer, access C:\ProgramData\Datamine\DATABLAST.Service\.
- Open DatablastServiceDBConnectionString.xml with Notepad or another text editor.
- In the connection string, edit the following values as required.
- Data Source—The accessible name of the SQL Server. Default: localhost.
- Initial Catalog—The name of the DataBlast database. Default: DataBlast.
- Integrated Security—If False, add values for the Username and Password of the logon user of the DataBlast Service. See Create the DataBlast Service.
- Save the DatablastServiceDBConnectionString.xml file.
- Restart the DataBlast Service as required.