Configure Database Connection Settings

Important: This activity should be performed by the DataBlast System Installer, who must have adequate network, domain and administrator permissions to the installation machines.

Activity Steps

  1. In Windows File Explorer, access C:\ProgramData\Datamine\DATABLAST.Service\.
  2. Open DatablastServiceDBConnectionString.xml with Notepad or another text editor.
  3. In the connection string, edit the following values as required.
    • Data Source—The accessible name of the SQL Server. Default: localhost.
    • Initial Catalog—The name of the DataBlast database. Default: DataBlast.
    • Integrated Security—If False, add values for the Username and Password of the logon user of the DataBlast Service. See Create the DataBlast Service.
  4. Save the DatablastServiceDBConnectionString.xml file.
  5. Restart the DataBlast Service as required.