Create the DataBlast Service

Important: This activity should be performed by the DataBlast System Installer, who must have adequate network, domain and administrator permissions to the installation machines.

This activity creates the DataBlast Service as a Windows service.

Activity Steps

  1. Install the DataBlast Service:
    1. Open the Windows Command Prompt with administrator permissions.
    2. Change directory to the DataBlast Server subfolder of the installation folder.
      cd C:\Program Files\Datamine\DataBlast Server
    3. Run the following command.
      DATABLAST.Service.exe /Install

      No message displays; however, the Windows Services screen shows the Datamine DataBlast Service.

  2. Configure the logon user for the DataBlast Service:
    1. Open the Windows Services screen.
    2. Right-click the Datamine DataBlast Service and select Properties from the menu.

      The Properties window displays.

    3. Select the Log On tab.
    4. To use the local system account, select Local System account.

      Important: The local system account is typically called NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Using an account other than the local system account is the more secure option.

    5. To use another account:
      1. Select This account.
      2. Enter or browse for the account name.
      3. Enter and confirm the password for the account.
    6. Click OK.

      The Properties window for the service closes.

    7. Close the Windows Services screen.
  3. Ensure that the logon user has appropriate permissions to the DataBlast database and the DataBlast Reporting database. See Add Database Permissions.

Note: If you need to uninstall the Datamine DataBlast Service:

  1. Ensure that the Datamine DataBlast Service is stopped.
  2. Change directory to the DataBlast Server subfolder of the installation folder.
  3. Run the following command in Windows Command Prompt with administrator permissions.
    DATABLAST.Service.exe /Uninstall