Generate the DataBlast Reporting Database

Important: This activity should be performed by the DataBlast System Installer and Database Installer, who must have adequate network, domain and administrator permissions to the installation machines. The DataBlast Reporting database is optional.

Activity Steps

  1. Ensure that the DataBlast Service is not running.
  2. Ensure that the DataBlast Database has been upgraded. See Upgrade the DataBlast Database.
  3. In the Windows Start menu, select All Apps » Datamine » DataBlast Reporting Database Generator; or in the DataBlast installation folder, double-click DataBlast Server » DataBlast Reporting Database Generator » DataBlast.ReportingDatabaseGenerator.exe.

    The DataBlast Reporting Database Generator displays.

  4. Specify the connection details for the DataBlast database:
    1. Select the Server Name.
    2. Select the Login Details from:
      • Windows Authentication
      • SQL Server Authentication—Enter the User Name and Password.
    3. Select the Database Name.
    4. Update the Database Command Timeout if required. Increasing this value may help when generating a DataBlast Reporting database for a large DataBlast Pro database or on a slow network connection or server. Default: 120 milliseconds.

    Note: The default settings are read from the configured database connection settings. See Configure Database Connection Settings.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Specify the connection details for the DataBlast Reporting database:
    1. Select the Server Name.
    2. Select the Login Details from:
      • Windows Authentication
      • SQL Server Authentication—Enter the User Name and Password.
    3. Select or enter the Database Name. Default: DataBlastReporting.
    4. Select whether to Use Existing Database. If checked, the generation scripts do not drop the database, but they do clear all tables from the database. In this way, any security access permissions are retained and the tables are rebuilt as required. Read-only if a database with the specified Database Name does not exist.
    5. Select whether to Update the DataBlast Reporting Database Settings. If checked, the DataBlast Reporting Database Generator updates the connection string editable via Site Maintenance » Service Control » Reporting Database in the DataBlast Client. See Configure the DataBlast Reporting Database Connection.

    Note: The default settings are read from the DataBlast database.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Specify linked SQL Server settings only if the DataBlast database and DataBlast Reporting databases are on different SQL Server instances:
    1. Check Use a Linked SQL Server.
    2. Enter a Linked Server Name for identification purposes only.
    3. Select whether to Replace the Existing Linked SQL Server.
    4. Select the Server Name of the linked SQL Server instance.
    5. Select the Login Details from:
      • Windows Authentication
      • SQL Server Authentication—Enter the User Name and Password.
    6. Select the Database Name of the DataBlast database.
  9. Click Next.

    A summary displays.

  10. Click Generate.
  11. Click Close.