Isatis.neo 2024.12 Help

Isatis.neo icon Isatis.neo is a powerful, intuitive, and highly customizable software solution in geostatistics. It provides geologists and resource teams with an unrivaled range of geostatistical tools, machine learning, and Python coding to enable precise resource modeling and confident decision-making. Isatis.neo allows in-depth data analysis and visualization, complex geological and geometallurgical analysis, and in-situ and recoverable resource estimation. The software also enables extensive uncertainty and risk analyses based on simulations.
What's New?
EDA icon
Exploratory Data Analysis
Kriging icon
Simulations icon
SIS icon
Sequential Indicator Simulations
PGS icon
PluriGaussian Simulations
Unfolding icon
LGS icon
Local Anisotropies
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