Group Packages to Create Package Groups

This activity assigns packages to package groups that do not already exist. If the package groups exist, use one of the following activities:

Security Note: You need the Allow package group maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Discrete Units Grouping screen.
  2. Complete the following fields as required.
    • DU Location—Location of packages. Select from the discrete unit and despatch locations defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. (A discrete unit division cannot be selected in the criteria; however, the division can be selected for created package groups.) Despatch locations are rail sidings, truck despatch locations, barge terminals and port locations.
    • Grouping Method—Method of selecting packages from the DU Location. Select from:
      • LIFO—Last in, first out
      • FIFO—First in, first out
      • N/A—Not applicable
    • Despatch Order—If a despatch order is selected, MineMarket updates the Product to match the product of the despatch order. See Search for a Despatch Order to Add to a Transaction, Movement or Package Group.
    • Container Type—Select from the container types defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer and that have a Storage Type of Packages Only or Both.
    • Package Type—Select from the package types defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Product—Product of packages. Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer that have their Product Basis set to Packages Only or Both. When a product is selected, MineMarket updates the quality specifications to match the product specifications.
    • Target Mass Per Package Group
    • Mass UOM—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor. Default: The UOM specified for the selected Package Type.
    • Tolerance—Positive or negative percentage by which the Target Mass Per Package Group can be varied if packages do not have exactly the required size to create package groups of the target mass.
    • Quantity of Package Groups
    • Start Date—Limit the package selection by Package Date.
    • End Date
  3. To edit the required quality of packages:
    1. Expand the Quality field group.
    2. To add an analyte, right-click in the Quality field group and select Add » [Analyte] from the menu.
    3. Update the Minimum and Maximum of each analyte if required.
    4. Check Selected next to the analytes to include in the package search criteria.

      Note: If the selected analyte's minimum and maximum values are 0, only packages with a value of 0 for this analyte are added to the package groups.

  4. Click Generate.

    If there are enough packages that match the criteria, MineMarket creates the package groups.

  5. Click Save.