Record a 3D Transaction Using a Transaction Editor

The transaction template Type must be Standard. See Set up a Transaction Editor.

Security Note: You need the Allow transactions maintenance security right in the Transactions user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Transactions node.
  3. Right-click the transaction editor and select Enter Transactions from the menu, or double-click the transaction editor.

    The Transaction Editor displays.

    Note: The availability of fields on this screen and their defaults depends upon the settings in the transaction template.

  4. Select the Transactions tab.
  5. Enter the transaction Date.

    The transaction date cannot be before the opening date or after the closing date of either the source or destination stockpile.

    The date may be set to be the same time for multiple transactions. Example: Data for all the transactions in the shift are to be recorded at a minute after the start of the shift.

    If the date and time entry is controlled by the times of shifts, use the left and right arrows to move between shifts.

  6. Enter the following details for each transaction inherited from the transaction template.
    • Source Stockpile—Defaults to source stockpile defined in the transaction template. If Modifiable is not specified in the transaction template, then this cannot be changed. Otherwise, it can be selected from the stockpiles that are located at the source of the process flow, and filtered by the list of Allowed Sources specified in the transaction template.
    • Destination Stockpile—Defaults to destination stockpile defined in the transaction template. If Modifiable is not specified in the transaction template, then this cannot be changed. Otherwise, it can be selected from the stockpiles that are located at the destination of the process flow, and filtered by the list of Allowed Destinations specified in the transaction template.
    • Movement Product—Select from the Allowed Movement Products, or set to the Movement Product specified in the transaction template. If Modifiable is not specified in the transaction template, then this cannot be changed. If a despatch order is added to the transaction, the Movement Product defaults to the product specified in the despatch order.
    • Quantity
    • Quantity Unit—Select from the units of measure specified in Allowed UOMs specified in the transaction template.
    • Transaction Date—Only displayed if Date Modifiable is checked in the transaction template, which allows separate dates or times to be entered for individual transactions.
  7. If the Source Stockpile is a 3D stockpile:
    1. Click the ellipsis (...) beside the stockpile name.

      The Transaction Reclaimer Details screen displays.

    2. Complete the following fields.
      • Product—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer. The angle of repose and the density of the product are used to validate the dimensions and volume of the 3D transaction.
      • Reclaimer—Select from the reclaimers specified for the 3D stockpile.
    3. If the Reclaimer is a boom reclaimer:
      1. Complete the following fields.
        • Reclaim Method—Select from By Position or By Volume.
        • Y Start Position—Start position of the 3D transaction along the y-axis.

          Note: When entering the Y Start Position for a boom reclaimer, consider the length of the boom. The Y Start Position is the location of the reclaimer. Example: A boom reclaimer has a boom length of 50 m. If the Y Start Position is 160 m and the Direction is Negative, stockpile reclamation starts at 110 m.

        • Direction—Select from Positive or Negative.
      2. To add a bench, right-click in the Benches table and select Add Bench from the menu.
      3. For each bench, complete the following fields.
        • Height
        • Y Position
    4. If the Reclaimer is a bridge reclaimer, complete the following fields.
      • Y Start Position
      • Direction
    5. If the Reclaimer is a front-end loader:
      1. Complete the following fields as required.
        • Use Same Height—Whether to use the same height for all corners of the 3D transaction.
        • Height—Height for all corners of the 3D transaction. Only applicable if Use Same Height is checked.
        • Reclaim As Rectangle—Whether to reclaim a rectangular section of the 3D stockpile. If checked, only the First Corner and Opposing Corner details are required. If unchecked, details for all four corners are required.
        • Reclaim Full Width—Whether to claim the full width of the 3D stockpile. If checked, only the Length Position and Height at each corner are required. If unchecked, the Width Position at each corner is also required.
      2. Compete the following fields for each corner as required.
        • Width Position—Width position of the corner, in metres.
        • Length Position—Length position of the corner, in metres.
        • Height—Height of the corner, in metres.
    6. If the Reclaimer is a tunnel reclaimer, enter the Tonnes for each Gate in the Tunnel Gates table.

      Note: The number and order of the tunnel gates cannot be modified when entering a transaction. The tunnel gates must be specified in the reclaimer configuration for the stockpile.

    7. Click Close.
  8. If the Destination Stockpile is a 3D stockpile:
    1. Click the ellipsis (...) beside the stockpile name.

      The Transaction Stacker Details screen displays.

    2. Complete the following fields.
      • Product—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer. The angle of repose and the density of the product are used to validate the dimensions and volume of the 3D transaction.
      • Stacker—Select from the stackers specified for the 3D stockpile.
    3. If the Stacker is a chevron stacker, complete the following fields.
      • X Coord
      • Y Start Position
      • Y End Position
      • Y Step—The distance the stacker moves between each cycle on a stack.
    4. If the Stacker is a conical stacker, complete the following fields.
      • X Coord
      • Y Coord
    5. If the Stacker is a front-end loader:
      1. Select the Stack Method from By Position or By Volume.
      2. If the Stack Method is By Position, enter the Maximum Height.
      3. Complete the following fields in the Quadrilateral Corner Points table.
        • X Position
        • Y Position
    6. If the Stacker is a step stacker.
      1. Select the Stack Method from By Position or By Volume.
      2. If the Stack Method is By Position, complete the following fields.
        • X Coord
        • Y Start Position
        • Y End Position
        • Y Step—The distance the stacker moves between each cycle on a stack.
        • Maximum Height
      3. If the Stack Method is By Volume, complete the following fields.
        • X Coord
        • Y Start Position
        • Direction—Select from Positive or Negative.
        • Y Step—The distance the stacker moves between each cycle on a stack.
        • Maximum Height
    7. If the Stacker is a windrow stacker:
      1. To add a row, right-click in the Rows table and select Add Row from the menu.
      2. Complete the following fields for each row.
        • X Position
        • Y Start Position
        • Y End Position
      3. Enter the Y Step.
    8. Click Close.
  9. Add a despatch order to the transaction if required. See Search for a Despatch Order to Add to a Transaction, Movement or Package Group.
  10. To duplicate a transaction, right-click a transaction row in the Transactions field group and select Duplicate from the menu.

    A duplicate of the transaction is created; however, the duplicate does not have any quantity or 3D transaction details.

  11. Enter sample data for the transaction if required. See Enter Sample Data for a Bulk Transaction.
  12. Click Save.

    Note: If the Transaction Editor History status definition exists, the transaction is assigned the initial status. This status definition controls whether the transaction is editable and selectable. See Status Definitions.