View and Acknowledge Warnings or Errors for a 3D Transaction

If a 3D transaction has a warning or error:

Important: Note the effect of 3D transactions with warnings or errors:
• 3D transaction warnings generally indicate that the data entered is inconsistent. For example, if the volume and mass of the 3D transaction do not match the product density. 3D transactions with warnings affect the balance of both the source and destination stockpiles.
• 3D transaction errors generally indicate that the effect on the 3D stockpile cannot be calculated. For example, a data entry error in which an unreasonably large mass of material is stacked onto the 3D stockpile. 3D transactions with warnings do not affect the balance of 3D stockpiles; however, they do affect the balance of the other (source or destination) stockpile.

Acknowledging a 3D transaction warning or error does not correct the problem in any way. Acknowledging the warning or error just removes the red highlighting and generic error message. If later downstreaming activity changes the 3D transaction (for example, changing the product density), a new warning or error displays for the 3D transaction.

Security Note: You need the Allow transactions maintenance security right in the Transactions user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Perform one of the following steps:
    1. Record a 3D transaction using a Transaction Editor or find a 3D transaction using the Transaction Explorer and right-click the 3D transaction and select Show Chasm Results from the menu.

      The Chasm Result screen displays with the option to acknowledge warnings and errors.

    2. View Stockpile Activity and right-click the 3D transaction and select Show Chasm Errors from the menu.

      The Chasm Result screen displays without the option to acknowledge warnings and errors.

    3. Find a 3D transaction in the 3D Transaction Viewer and select the Errors tab.
  2. Warnings and errors display with the following data:
    • Result Type—Indicates whether the information is a warning or an error.
    • Description—Description of the 3D transaction warning or error.
  3. To acknowledge a warning or error, check Warning Acknowledged.

    Only displayed if the Chasm Result screen is accessed via the Transaction Editor.

  4. Click Close.