Set up a Truck Despatch Template

Security Note: You need the Allow truck despatch template maintenance security right in the Trucks domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Transport panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Trucks » Truck Despatch Templates node.
  3. Right-click a truck despatch template group and select New » Truck Despatch Template from the menu.

    The Truck Despatch Template displays.

  4. Complete the following fields as required.
    • Name
    • Product—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Default UOM—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
    • Account Number
    • Truck—Select from the trucks defined on the Transport panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Despatch Dates—Whether despatch dates are entered with times. See Set Date and Time Formats for the impact of this setting. Select from:
      • Use Global Setting (default)—Use the Enter Times With Despatch Dates setting defined on the Options screen.
      • Include Times
      • Do Not Include Times
  5. Specify the truck despatch route:
    1. Select the Details tab.
    2. Perform one of the following steps to select a route defined on the Transport panel of the Solution Explorer.
      1. Select a truck despatch route from the Route drop-down list.
      2. Expand the Routes node and drag a truck despatch route into the Route field.

    Note: The route must be specified and the truck despatch template must be saved before the template can be used to create truck despatches.

  6. To allow truck despatches created with this template to be changed to a different truck despatch template, check Allow Template Modification. See Change the Template of a Truck Despatch.
  7. To specify loading and unloading defaults:
    1. To specify default loading transaction details when only one Loading Only and one Unloading Only route point exist in the selected truck despatch route:
      1. Select the loading route point.
      2. Select the Default Loading Process Flow from the process flows and movement flows that have the loading location as a destination location.
      3. Select the Default Loading Stockpile from the stockpiles at the source location of the selected Default Loading Process Flow. For a movement flow, select the source location or a sub-location.
    2. To specify default unloading transaction details when only one Loading Only and one Unloading Only route point exist in the selected truck despatch route:
      1. Select the unloading route point.
      2. Select the Default Unloading Process Flow from the process flows and movement flows that have the unloading location as a source location.
      3. Select the Default Unloading Stockpile from the stockpiles at the destination location for the selected Default Unloading Process Flow. For a movement flow, select the destination location or a sub-location.
      4. Select whether to Auto Unload when the actual departure date is set for the truck despatch on the loading route point.

        Automatic unloading is only possible if the route has two route points, and the first route point is a Loading Only route point and the second route point is an Unloading Only route point, and the second route point is selected, and a Default Unloading Process Flow has been selected and a Default Unloading Stockpile has been selected. The route must also have the travel time estimate and duration time estimate specified for the unloading route point.

  8. To add costs or service charges:
    1. Select the Service Charges tab.
    2. Add costs as described in Enter Costs for a Despatch.
    3. Search for, select and edit service charges as described in Enter a Service Charge for a Despatch.

      When truck despatches are created using this truck despatch template, these costs and service charges are automatically added.

  9. To override tab configuration for all truck despatches created from this template, instead of using the tab configuration defined for the user group:
    1. Select the Tab Configuration tab.
    2. Click the notification to override the tab configuration.
    3. Check Override User Group Settings.
    4. Check Is Hidden for the tabs that are to be hidden.
    5. To reorder the tabs, right-click the Tab Page Name and select Move Tab Up or Move Tab Down from the menu as required.
  10. Click Save.