Cost Templates

You can use cost templates to simplify the addition of costs to the:

You can also create rate details in service, freight or finance contracts from cost templates. See Enter a Rate for a Service Contract, Enter a Rate for a Freight Contract or Enter a Rate for a Finance Contract.

Finance cost templates can only be used with purchase contracts, purchase contract templates, purchase despatch orders and repurchase contracts.

Taxes in Cost Templates

You can add taxes to cost templates. The tax configuration (as specified in the Tax Editor) cannot be edited for the cost template.

The reference date for tax rates is the bill of lading date, or else the first available date out of ATD at origin, ETD at origin or planned despatch date. (Snapshots, revaluations and non-final invoices use the bill of lading date, or else the first available date out of: ATD at origin, ETD at origin, ATA at origin, ETA at origin, the quota end date, or planned despatch date.)

If you use a cost template with a tax to create a rate detail in a service, freight or finance contract, the tax displays on the Contract Taxes tab and can be edited. See Specify a Tax for a Service, Freight or Finance Contract.

Rate Detail Basis

The basis for calculating the rate detail for a service or freight cost is selected from:

  • By Container—The value multiplied by the number of package groups (including child package groups at any level) that are associated with a container, or have a container type specified, and are associated with the despatch.
  • By Dry Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the dry mass amount.
  • By Gross Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the gross mass amount.
  • By Loaded Dry Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the dry mass amount loaded onto the transport.
  • By Loaded Gross Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the gross mass amount loaded onto the transport.
  • By Loaded Wagons—The value multiplied by the number of loaded wagons, for despatch by rail. When the rate detail is based on a despatch order, the number of wagons is determined as those loaded for the entire despatch order. When the rate detail is based upon a despatch, the number of wagons is determined as those loaded for the train despatch. The number of wagons field in the loading transaction is used to determine the actual number of wagons loaded. Note that when a wagon is partially loaded, it is counted as loaded.
  • By Loaded Wet Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the wet mass amount loaded onto the transport.
  • By Lot—The value multiplied by the number of lots associated with the despatch.
  • By Number of Package Groups—The value multiplied by the number of top-level package groups that are loaded onto or unloaded from the despatch. Child package groups are not included.
  • By Number of Package Units—The value multiplied by number of units that are in packages or package groups loaded onto or unloaded from the despatch.
  • By Number of Packages—The value multiplied by the number of packages that are loaded onto or unloaded from the despatch, or are contained in package groups loaded onto or unloaded from the despatch.
  • By Unloaded Dry Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the dry mass amount unloaded from the transport.
  • By Unloaded Gross Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the gross mass amount unloaded from the transport.
  • By Unloaded Wagons—The value multiplied by the number of unloaded wagons, for despatch by rail. When the rate detail is based on a despatch order, the number of wagons is determined as those unloaded for the entire despatch order. When the rate detail is based upon a despatch, the number of wagons is determined as those unloaded for the train despatch. The number of wagons field in the unloading transaction is used to determine the actual number of wagons unloaded. Note that when a wagon is partially unloaded, it is counted as unloaded.
  • By Unloaded Wet Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the wet mass amount unloaded from the transport.
  • By Wet Mass—The value or calculated value multiplied by the wet mass amount.
  • Calculated Mass—A calculated value that can be used to emulate tiered rates when all possible tiers must be displayed on the invoice.
  • Fixed Amount Per Despatch Order—A flat fixed value or calculated value per despatch order. Not applicable to costs on a despatch.
  • Fixed Amount—A flat fixed value or calculated value per despatch.
  • Percentage Current Freight/Service Value—A value determined as a percentage of the freight or service value; that is, the sum of the freight or service line items in the freight or service invoice. Demurrage/despatch or dynamic invoice line items are not included in the rate detail calculation.
  • Percentage Current Invoice—A value determined as a percentage of the current invoice total.
  • Percentage Invoice Value—A percentage value, which is multiplied by the value of the latest locked sales or purchase invoice total or the latest revenue snapshot (for a cost or service charge in a snapshot) or by the value of the latest locked sales or purchase invoice total (for a service invoice).
  • Percentage Previous Rates—A value determined as a percentage of the amount charged for this rate of the same name in the previous invoice.
  • Time—The value multiplied by the duration.
  • Time And Dry Mass—The value multiplied by the duration multiplied by the dry mass amount.
  • Time And Gross Mass—The value multiplied by the duration multiplied by the gross mass amount.
  • Time And Wet Mass—The value multiplied by the duration multiplied by the wet mass amount.

The basis for calculating the rate detail for a finance cost is selected from:

  • Fixed Amount Per Despatch Order—A flat fixed value per despatch order.
  • Fixed Amount—A flat fixed value per despatch.
  • Fixed Interest Rate—A percentage value plus an optional bank fee percentage, which are divided by the interest basis and multiplied by the loan duration (in days) and the loan amount.
  • Interest On Gross Value—A percentage value, which is divided by the interest basis and multiplied by the gross value of the invoice and the loan duration (in days). The gross value is the total invoice value minus any taxes and service/freight/finance rates.
  • Interest Rate Series—A percentage value derived from an interest rate series plus an optional bank fee percentage, which are divided by the interest basis and multiplied by the loan duration (in days) and the loan amount.
  • Percentage Invoice Value—(As described above.)
  • Percentage Of Loan Amount—A percentage value, which is multiplied by the loan amount.

Note: For costs in repurchase contracts, if you do not enter a duration, MineMarket calculates the duration as the number of days from the start date to the maturity date of the contract.

Rate Detail Configuration

Applicable fields of the rate detail are used in combination to determine the value of the rate. Not all fields are required in each context where a rate detail can be configured. The following list describes all possible rate detail fields.

Name—Name of the cost rate detail. A cost may have multiple rate details.

Rate Detail Basis—Basis for calculating the rate detail. See the list above for information about which options are available and how they are calculated.

Value—Rate detail value or percentage.

Currency—Select from the currencies defined in the Currency/Exchange Editor.

UOM—Unit of measure associated with amounts of material for determining the rate detail. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is By Dry Mass, By Gross Mass, By Loaded Dry Mass, By Loaded Gross Mass, By Loaded Wet Mass, By Unloaded Dry Mass, By Unloaded Gross Mass, By Unloaded Wet Mass, By Wet Mass, Calculated Mass, Time And Dry Mass, Time And Gross Mass or Time And Wet Mass. Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.

Duration—The duration of the service, freight or finance, in the specified Time Basis. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is Fixed Interest Rate, Interest On Gross Value, Interest Rate Series, Time, Time And Dry Mass, Time And Gross Mass or Time And Wet Mass.

Time Basis—Time basis for the duration of the service, freight or finance. Select from Day, Month or Week. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is Time, Time And Dry Mass, Time And Gross Mass or Time And Wet Mass. Set to Day if Rate Detail Basis is Fixed Interest Rate or Interest Rate Series. Assumed to be Day if Rate Detail Basis is Interest On Gross Value.

Use Calculation—Whether to use a complex calculation created in the Expression Editor to determine the Value of the rate detail. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is By Dry Mass, By Gross Mass, By Loaded Dry Mass, By Loaded Gross Mass, By Loaded Wet Mass, By Unloaded Dry Mass, By Unloaded Gross Mass, By Unloaded Wet Mass, By Wet Mass, Calculated Mass, Fixed Amount Per Despatch Order or Fixed Amount. However, if the Rate Detail Basis is Calculated Mass, the expression is used to calculate the mass, and the Value (which will be multiplied by the mass) must be specified.

Calc Expression—Calculated expression to use if Use Calculation is checked.

Type—Select from the Rate Detail Types list items defined in the List Editor.

Pro Rata Option—Option to distribute the rate between multiple despatch orders (DOs). Only applicable if the Rate Detail Basis is Fixed Amount or Calculated Mass. Select from:

  • None—The rate is calculated for each DO.
  • Per Despatch Order—The rate is divided evenly between the DOs on the despatch.
  • Per Mass—The rate is divided between the DOs on the despatch pro-rata according to each despatch order's loaded mass.

For example, a despatch has one DO for 500 t and one DO for 1000 t:

  • For a fixed amount rate with a value of $100, the total rate is $100.
    • Per Despatch Order—The rate for each DO is $50.
    • Per Mass—The rate for DO1 is $33.33 and the rate for DO2 is $66.67.
  • For a calculated mass rate with a value of $100/t, the total rate is $150,000.
    • Per Despatch Order—The rate for each DO is $75,000.
    • Per Mass—The rate for DO1 is $50,000 and the rate for DO2 is $100,000.

Important: The pro rata option should only be used for costs that are on a despatch.

Rate Decimals—Number of decimal places to which to round the rate detail value (that is, the invoice line value) before calculating the invoice line quantity or invoice item value.

Loan Amount—Loan amount of the rate detail, in the nominated currency. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is Fixed Interest Rate, Interest Rate Series or Percentage Of Loan Amount, and cannot be entered in a cost template.

Interest Rate Series—The interest rate series from which to derive the percentage value. Select from the interest rate series defined in the Interest Rate Editor. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is Interest Rate Series.

Interest Basis—Number of days used as the basis of the interest rate used in the rate detail. Select from 360 and 365 (default). Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is Fixed Interest Rate, Interest On Gross Value or Interest Rate Series.

Bank Fee—Optional bank fee percentage value, which is added to the rate detail Value or interest rate from the Interest Rate Series. Only applicable if Rate Detail Basis is Fixed Interest Rate or Interest Rate Series.