Enter Budgeted Costs for a Set of Contract Terms

Security Note: You need the Allow contract maintenance and Allow the user to maintain costs security rights in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the required set of contract terms.
  3. Select the Service Charges node.
  4. Select the Costs sub-tab.
  5. Perform one of the following steps:
    1. To add a budgeted cost from a cost template, right-click in the Budgeted Costs table and select Add [Cost Type] » [Cost Template Category] » [Cost Template] from the menu.
    2. To add a new budgeted cost, right-click in the Budgeted Costs table and select Add [Cost Type] » New from the menu.

    Note: Budgeted costs can also be copied and pasted. See Costs and Service Charges.

  6. Select the Activity for each budgeted cost. Select from the Service Activity, Freight Activity and Finance Activity list items defined in the List Editor.

    Note: Finance budgeted costs are only applicable to purchase contracts, not sales.

  7. To add a rate detail to a budgeted cost, right-click the budgeted cost and select Add To Same Cost from the menu.
  8. Update the following fields as required for each rate detail:
    • Name
    • Rate Detail Basis
    • Value
    • Currency
    • UOM
    • Duration
    • Time Basis
    • Use Calculation
    • Calc Expression
    • Type
    • Rate Decimals
    • Loan Amount
    • Interest Rate Series
    • Bank Fee

    Note: See Cost Templates for descriptions of these fields.

  9. To add a tax to a budgeted cost, right-click the budgeted cost and select Add Tax To Cost » [Tax Category] » [Tax] from the menu.
  10. To override rates from the applicable exchange rate source, see Enter Fixed Exchange Rates.
  11. Click Save.