Preview Invoice Line Items for a Contract Quota

See Contract Quota Snapshots for more information.

Security Note: Assuming you can view the contract, no specific security right is required for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Expand the Contract Products » [Contract Product] » Quotas node.
  3. Select the node for the required quota.
  4. Select the Quota Snapshot tab.
  5. Select the Invoice Type if required. Only applicable if Create Snapshot Per Invoice Type is checked in the snapshot settings. See Specify Snapshot Settings. Select from:
    • None—The default snapshot displays. The default snapshot represents the most up-to-date data, based on contractual terms, and using the most recent weights and assays present in the system.
    • Invoice types that meet all the following criteria:
      • Are specified on the Options screen
      • Are contractual invoice types in the applicable set of contract terms
      • Have payment terms in the applicable set of contract terms if Payments Due is checked on the Invoice Types screen
  6. Select the Revenue tab.
  7. Select the required snapshot in the Snapshots table.
  8. Select the Preview tab.

    The table displays a preview of the invoice line items that would be calculated if the despatch orders in the quota and the quota balance were invoiced.

    Note: Dynamic invoice line items are included, but only from last final invoices. Dynamic invoice line items display as separate line items and affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot. Optional charges in sales and purchase invoices are included, but only from last final invoices. An invoice may also include overrides, which are not included in snapshot invoice previews. However, overrides do affect the due amount of instalments displayed in the snapshot.