Add Hedge Positions to a Hedge Action Group
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain hedge actions security right in the Accounting user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Hedging Explorer.
- Select the Hedge Action Groups tab.
- Find the hedge action group. See Find Hedge Action Groups.
- Select (that is, highlight) the hedge action group.
- Right-click in the Hedge Actions table and select Add from the menu.
The Hedge Action Search displays.
- Enter the following search criteria as required.
- Start Date
- End Date
- Date Type
- Owner Organisation
- District
- Search By
- Search Text
- Contract Type
- Transaction Type
- Settlement State
- Broker
Note: For descriptions of these search criteria, see Find Hedge Positions.
- Click Search.
- Check Selected for the hedge positions to add to the hedge action group.
- Click OK.
The Hedge Action Search closes.
- To remove a hedge position from the hedge action group, right-click the hedge position in the Hedge Actions table and select Remove from the menu.
Note: MineMarket creates a hedge action group automatically when an options contract is executed. The options contract and its related futures contract cannot be removed from that hedge action group.
- Click Save.