Undo the Execution an Options Contract

This activity is not applicable to futures, spread or swaps contracts. Neither is this activity applicable to options contracts that are executed automatically by a hedge revaluation. For these options contracts, clearing the hedge revaluation is the only way to undo the execution. See Hedge Revaluation.

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain hedge actions security right in the Accounting user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Hedging Explorer.
  2. Select the Hedge Actions tab.
  3. Find the executed options contract. See Find Hedge Positions.
  4. Select the Valuations tab.
  5. Right-click the settlement that was created when the options contract was executed, and select Delete from the menu.

    Note: This settlement must be deleted before the execution can be undone.

  6. Right-click the options contract and select Undo Execution from the menu.

    MineMarket deletes the Execution Date and returns the Settlement State to the previous state.

    The related futures contract and the hedge action group that MineMarket created when the options contract was executed are deleted.

    Any allocations that were moved to the futures contract when the options contract was executed are reinstated on the options contract.

  7. Click Save.