Use Saved Search Profiles in MineMarket Explorers and Billboards
A search profile refers to a specific set of reusable search criteria used to generate matching results. You can save search profiles in MineMarket explorers, billboards and billboard charts. Saved search profiles are specific to the currently logged in user and to the MineMarket explorer, billboard or billboard chart.
Selecting a search profile updates the search criteria in the explorer or billboard parameters and performs the search. If you set a search profile as the default search profile, when the explorer, billboard or billboard chart is opened, the search profile is preselected and the search is performed.
Search profiles do not include criteria related to date ranges. However, if an Include Date Range or a Date Range criterion is cleared, the search profile includes that the search is not limited to a date range.
Security Note: For explorers, you need the applicable Allow the user to view the ... Explorer security right in the Menu security right group for this activity. For billboards and billboard charts, no specific security right is required.
Activity Steps
- Open the required explorer, billboard or billboard chart.
- To search using a saved search profile, select the Search Profile.
There are three icons to the right of the list of search profiles:
- Add
—Saves the current search criteria as a new search profile. You can enter a profile name and select whether it is the default profile.
- Edit
—Saves updated criteria to the selected search profile. You can edit the profile name and whether it is the default profile.
- Delete
—Deletes the selected search profile.
- Add
- To save the current search criteria as a new search profile:
- Click the Add icon.
The Edit Explorer Profile screen displays.
- Enter a Name for the search profile.
- Select whether to make the search profile the Default.
Only one profile can be the default profile for the explorer, billboard or billboard chart. If you check this setting for a profile, MineMarket unchecks the setting for the previously default profile.
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
- Click the Add icon.
- To edit a saved search profile:
- Select the Search Profile.
- Update the search criteria as required.
- Click the Edit icon.
The Edit Explorer Profile screen displays.
- Update the Name of the search profile if required.
- Select whether to make the search profile the Default.
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
- To delete a saved search profile:
- Select the Search Profile.
- Click the Delete icon.
- Click Save.