Aliases, Extended Data and Export Mappings

The Property Window in the Navigation Pane displays additional information about the active screen or the selected object on the active screen. This information includes object IDs, extended data and export mappings.

Object IDs

Every MineMarket object has a hidden system-generated unique identifier, referred to as its object ID. This object ID is not visible in the MineMarket interface, nor can it be renamed.

Every MineMarket object also has two additional identifiers, called Alias1 and Alias2. You can rename these IDs, but they must be unique within an object type. Renaming Alias1 values can make data entry for some integration methods, such as the MineMarket AUR Adaptors, easier to use. An object's Alias1 and Alias2 are displayed in the Property Window in the navigation pane.

Extended Data

You can configure site-specific numeric, date or string fields for many MineMarket object types. If extended data fields are configured for an object type, you can enter data in those fields for each object of that type via the Property Window in the navigation pane.

Not all MineMarket object types can have extended data, and the number of extra fields of each data type is limited. Editing extended data for an object is restricted to users with the applicable extended data security right.

Export Mappings

You can map individual MineMarket objects for integration with third-party systems. Mappings are used when objects are known by different names in other systems. All MineMarket object types can have export mappings. You can enter export mappings as string values via the Property Window in the navigation pane.