Create a Movement Flow

You need a movement flow to load or unload discrete units to or from a despatch.

Security Note: You need the Allow process flow maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Supply Chain » Process Flows » Process Flow Categories node.
  3. Right-click a process flow category and select New » Movement Flow from the menu.

    The Movement Flow displays.

  4. Update the movement flow Name if required.
  5. Select the Base Assumption to determine the quality of all analytes in the discrete units after a movement across the material flow has taken place, if the analyte is not specified individually on the Process Flow Analytes tab. Select from No Assumptions, Assume Source or Assume Product.
  6. Update the following fields as required.
    • Operator—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Default Shift Definition—Select from the shift definitions defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Disabled—You can disable a material flow if it should not yet be used, or should no longer be used.
    • Description
    • Loading Text—Text to display when the loading location for the material flow is selected.
    • Unloading Text—Text to display when the unloading location for the material flow is selected.
    • Calendar—For example, you can aggregate exported data by month, with the calendar determining the working days for the month. Select from the calendars defined in the Calendar Editor.
    • Equipment—Limit the equipment items available for transactions using the movement flow. Select from the equipment items defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Allowed Movement Products—Select from:
      • All Products
      • Selected Products—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Auto Populate Product—Whether to set the default movement product over the material flow based on either the source or destination product. The default movement product is the:
      • Source product if only the source product is defined, or if both the source and destination products are defined.
      • Destination product if only the destination product is defined.
    • Validate Movement Product—Whether a transaction over the material flow must have a movement product specified.
    • Default Basis—Select from the analyte measurement bases defined in the Basis Editor.
    • Additional Bases

    Note: Contributor Groups and Calculate Yield Based Contribution are not relevant to movement flows.

  7. Specify the source and destination:
    1. Expand the Supply Chain » Business Areas node in the Solution Explorer.
    2. Drag a location into the Source field.
    3. Drag a location into the Destination field.

    Note: If the source or destination is a port location or a berth terminal, the configuration of a berths at that location can include limiting the material flows available at that berth.

  8. Click Save.