Create a Process Flow
You need a process flow to move bulk material between stockpiles or to or from despatches; or for filling and emptying transactions for bulk package groups.
Security Note: You need the Allow process flow maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
- Expand the Supply Chain » Process Flows » Process Flow Categories node.
- Right-click a process flow category and select New » Process Flow from the menu.
The Process Flow displays.
- Update the process flow Name if required.
- Select the Base Assumption to determine the quality of all analytes in the destination stockpile after a transaction across the material flow has taken place, if the analyte is not specified individually on the Process Flow Analytes tab. Select from No Assumptions, Assume Source or Assume Product.
- Update the following fields as required.
- Operator—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Default Shift Definition—Select from the shift definitions defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Contributor Groups—Select from the contributor groups defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer. Can also be updated via the Process Flows tab of the Contributor Group.
- Calculate Yield Based Contribution—Whether yield-based contributions will be downstreamed. If checked, all transactions on this material flow will calculate the corrected tonnage-based contribution for each contributor in a contributor group with Calculate Yield Based Contribution, using the defined yield for that contributor at the time of the transaction.
- Disabled—You can disable a material flow if it should not yet be used, or should no longer be used.
- Description
- Loading Text—Text to display when the loading location for the material flow is selected.
- Unloading Text—Text to display when the unloading location for the material flow is selected.
- Calendar—For example, you can aggregate exported data by month, with the calendar determining the working days for the month. Select from the calendars defined in the Calendar Editor.
- Equipment—Limit the equipment items available for transactions using the process flow. Select from the equipment items defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Allowed Movement Products—Select from:
- All Products
- Selected Products—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Auto Populate Product—Whether to set the default movement product over the material flow based on either the source or destination product. The default movement product is the:
- Source product if only the source product is defined, or if both the source and destination products are defined.
- Destination product if only the destination product is defined.
- Validate Movement Product—Whether a transaction over the material flow must have a movement product specified.
- Default Basis—Select from the analyte measurement bases defined in the Basis Editor.
- Additional Bases
- Specify the source and destination:
- Expand the Supply Chain » Business Areas node in the Solution Explorer.
- Drag a location into the Source field.
- Drag a location into the Destination field.
Note: If the source or destination is a port location or a berth terminal, the configuration of a berths at that location can include limiting the material flows available at that berth.
- Click Save.