Mine Source Configuration

A mine source represents specific place within a mine location where material is mined. For example, a mine location may be configured to represent an open pit area and mine sources are created for the distinct locations within the pit from which ore is removed. In MineMarket a mine source is considered the start of the supply chain, and is modelled as type of weighted-average grade (WAG) stockpile from which material can only be removed.

The first details about the survey of the mine or the input of material into the supply chain are created on the mine source.

Mine locations and mine sources are created after the business areas have been defined.

Mine Source Contributors

Mine sources in the supply chain can be a contributor source that contributes to a material supply.

If mine sources are modelled, they are the source location for most contributor groups.

After a contributor group has been configured, it can be assigned to a mine source and tracked through the supply chain from the mine to the customers.

Contributor Filtering

If mining areas, blocks or polygons are set up as contributor groups, the number of contributors within these groups can often number in the thousands or more. This makes contributor charts difficult to view and interpret and editing of contributor information becomes very inefficient.

Dynamic contributor filtering and cut-off functionality removes contributors with zero or very small contributions from the various contributor views associated with stockpiles, trains, trucks, barges and shipments. Contributor filtering also simplifies the editing of contributor data.