Create an Analyte Definition
If the analyte definition will be based on a calculated value, ensure the required analyte formula script is set up before performing this activity.
Security Note: You need the Allow analyte maintenance security right in the Analyte user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Select the Quality panel in the Solution Explorer.
- Expand the Analyte Definitions node.
- Perform one of the following steps:
- To create a new (top-level) analyte, right-click the Analyte Definitions node and select New » Analyte Definition from the menu.
- To create a nested analyte, right-click an analyte and select New » Analyte Definition from the menu.
The Analyte Definition Editor displays the analytes sorted alphanumerically.
- Update the Analyte Definition name. Analyte names are case-sensitive when used in reporting.
- Enter a Description if required.
- Select the Value Type from Aggregable, Numeric, Text, ListItem and Calculated.
You cannot change the value type after you have saved the analyte definition.
- Select the Basis from the analyte measurement bases defined in the Basis Editor.
- Select whether to Append Basis Symbol To Name when the analyte displays throughout the MineMarket user interface.
- Select the Unit. For aggregable analytes, the units are limited to Proportion units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
- Enter the number of Decimal Places used to display results for the analyte.
- If the Value Type is ListItem, select the Text List from the non-predefined lists that are configured in the List Editor.
- To specify a colour range for the analyte when colouring 3D transactions by Quality, see Set up a 3D Analyte Colour Range.
- Select whether to Show Content Basis. If checked, the quantity of the analyte and its UOM can display in a separate column when the value of the analyte displays throughout the MineMarket user interface.
- If Show Content Basis is checked, select the Content UOM.
If the Unit is % or ppm, the content UOMs are limited to Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor. If the Unit is a compound unit, the content UOMs are limited to units with the same UOM category as the numerator. The unit must have a conversion factor defined to convert to or from the numerator unit.
- If the Value Type is Calculated, select the Analyte Formula from the analyte formulae for which there are scripts in the Analyte Formula Script Editor.
- Click Save.