3D Stackers

CHASM supports several different stacking methods, which correspond to the more common types of physical stackers in use at various bulk material handling operations.


A single conical stack as if the stacker is stationary and continues to pour material at the same spot.

Diagram of 3D stockpile shape when using a conical stacker


A sequence of single conical stacks, which stack to a predetermined height, then move along a small increment, and repeat until finished.

Diagram of 3D stockpile shape when using a step stacker


The stacker pours in 'layers' back and forth between two distant points, building up the stockpile until the desired volume or height is reached.

Diagram of 3D stockpile shape when using a chevron stacker


A sequence of chevron stackers aligned side by side.

Diagram of 3D stockpile shape when using a windrow stacker

Front-end Loader

A general-purpose stacking mode which uses a quadrilateral shape to describe the four corners of the top of the quad.

Diagram of 3D stockpile shape when using a front-end loader stacker

When using a front-end loader to stack material, the four corners must:

  • Form a convex polygon (example below)
  • Not be co-incident (that is, no two points can have the same co-ordinates)
  • Be sorted in a certain order (to form the polygon)
  • Be co-planar (that is, the four points must lie on the same plane)

The diagram on the left below is a convex polygon. The diagram on the right below is a concave polygon.

Diagram showing the difference between convex and concave polygons