Set up a Survey Editor

Security Note: You need the Allow stockpile survey configuration security right in the Stockpiles domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Surveys node.
  3. Right-click a survey editor category and select New » Survey Editor from the menu.

    The Survey Editor Configuration screen displays.

  4. Update the Name if required.
  5. Select Assigned User Groups as required. Only users of assigned user groups can view the survey editor in the Solution Explorer. The Administration user group is automatically assigned to the survey editor.
  6. Select whether to Display Stockpile Path. If unchecked, the stockpile category column is hidden.
  7. To enforce shift and calendar settings for a survey:
    1. Check Enforce Shift And Calendar Settings. Whether a specific shift or calendar date is to be selected when a survey is entered using this survey editor.
    2. To force the selection of a shift for the survey, select the Shift Definition and the Date Option. For the shift definition, select from shift definitions defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. For the date option, select from Start of Shift and End of Shift.
    3. To force the selection of a calendar date for the survey, select the Calendar, the Calendar Time Period, and Calendar Period Option. For the calendar, select from calendars defined in the Calendar Editor. For the calendar time period, select from Week, Month and Year. For the calendar period option, select from Start Of and End Of.
  8. To add mine sources and stockpiles to the survey editor:
    1. Update the Mass UOM if required. Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
    2. Select whether to Set Column Width To Name Width. If checked, the width of the column containing the mine source and stockpile names automatically fits the content.
    3. Select whether to Display All Stockpiles For Locations During Data Entry. If checked, new stockpiles at the survey locations display in the survey editor. This allows for when stockpiles are dynamically added on a regular basis. Note that if stockpiles are closed at the survey date, then they do not display in the survey editor. This overrides any stockpile filter selection settings in the survey editor. Default: Checked.
    4. To predefine the mine sources and stockpiles:
      1. Expand the Supply Chain » Business Areas node.
      2. Drag a mine location, stock location or stockpile into the Stockpiles field group.
      3. If a mine source or stockpile in the Stockpiles field group is to be displayed, check Default Displayed.
  9. To add contributor details to the survey editor:
    1. Update the following fields for the contributor settings:
      • Show Contributors Section—Whether contributor details display in the survey editor when entering survey data.
      • Edit Contributor As Tonnage—Whether contributions are entered as tonnages. If unchecked, contributions are entered as percentages.
      • Show Active Contributors Only—Whether only active contributors display in the survey editor when entering survey data.
    2. Select a Contributor Group from the contributor groups defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer.
    3. Right-click in the Contributors table and select Contributor Search from the drop-down list.

      The Contributor Search screen displays.

    4. Double-click each required contributor in the Available Contributors field group to move it to the Selected Contributors field group.
    5. Click Accept
  10. To add analyte details to the survey editor:
    1. Check Show Analytes Section in the Analytes field group.

      Note: Aggregable and non-aggregable analytes can be entered against a survey.

    2. Add analytes or analyte groups as required:
      1. Select the Quality panel in the Solution Explorer.
      2. To add a single analyte definition, expand the Analyte Definitions node and drag an analyte definition into the Sample Analyte Templates field group.
      3. To add all the analytes from an analyte group, expand the Analyte Group node and drag an analyte group into the Sample Analyte Templates field group.
  11. Click Save.