Manipulate the 2D View of a 3D Stockpile
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to open the 3D stockpile viewer security right in the 3D user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the 3D Transaction Viewer.
The Stockpile View displays two views of the 3D stockpile: a top view and a side view.
Note: The label for each view includes the data type that is used in the colour legend. You can Change the Viewing Options for the 3D Transaction Viewer.
- To view the location of a transaction within the stockpile, select the transaction in the Transactions table.
Each transaction listing includes the following information:
- Icon:
- Blue tick—Processed transaction
- Red circle with white cross—Transaction with a warning or error
- Disk with small letter I—Transaction that has been modified since searching for 3D transactions
- Whether the transaction is a stacking or reclaiming transaction
- The stacker or reclaimer type
- The transaction quantity
- The transaction date and time
The transaction blinks in the side view of the stockpile.
- Icon:
- To change the stockpile slice displayed in the side view, drag the marker (red triangle) along the X-axis of the top view.
- To view information about a transaction, click the 2D view in the location of the transaction.
A tooltip displays the quantity, density, date, age, product and quality of the material in that part in the stockpile.
- To assign a movement product to multiple transactions within the stockpile:
- Click and drag the mouse pointer to highlight a section of the side view of the stockpile.
The transactions in that part of the stockpile are selected.
- Right-click and select Set Product from the menu.
- Expand the Product Categories or Brand Categories tree and select the product or brand.
- Click Save.
- Click and drag the mouse pointer to highlight a section of the side view of the stockpile.
- To export the 3D shape as a CSV file:
- Right-click and select Export » Export 3D Shape from the menu.
- Select a location and enter a suitable file name.
- Click Save.
A message displays the size of the exported file.
- Click OK.
- To export the 3D shape as an MM3D file:
- Right-click and select Export » Export Detailed 3D Shape from the menu.
- Select a location and enter a suitable file name.
- Click Save.
A message confirms the file creation.
- Click OK.
- To save both the top and side views of the stockpile as a single image:
- Right-click and select Save As Image from the menu.
- Select a location and enter a suitable file name.
- Select the required image format.
- Click Save.