Sample Management

A sample is a portion or specimen of material selected from a larger mass, the quality attributes of which are analysed to infer the quality of the material as a whole. In MineMarket, you can create samples for each transaction or movement of material to record the quality at that point of the supply chain.

Samples are created:

Lot samples can be created for a train, truck despatch, service trip, shipment or lot despatch from the Lot Samples tab (which also sets up a lot sample regime).

Discrete unit (DU) lot samples can be created for a train, truck despatch, service trip, shipment or lot despatch from the DU Lot Samples tab (which also sets up a DU lot sample regime).

Status definitions can be configured for samples, lot sample regimes and DU lot sample regimes to control whether samples can be selected or edited. See Status Definitions.

Historical sample results are stored when sample results are changed.

The Sample Explorer provides detailed and summarised information of samples.

Composite Samples for Bulk Material Transactions

Composite samples are used to determine the quality of bulk material in the despatch, either overall, or for selected transactions regardless of the tonnage in each transaction.

Lot Samples for Bulk Material Transactions

Lot samples are specific to a single despatch order. Lot samples are usually created before composite samples as they relate to the lot-by-lot loading of the despatch, using a lot sample regime. This regime specifies the number of lot samples to be created, based upon a predefined bulk material weight (default sample tonnes) and the total tonnage (sum of the quantity of each selected transaction). Lot samples may go across transactions. For example:

  • Transaction 1: 1200 tonnes
  • Transaction 2: 1500 tonnes
  • Transaction 3: 1000 tonnes

If the default sample tonnes is 1000, and all three transactions are associated with the lot sample regime, the following lot samples are created:

  • Lot Sample 1: 1000 tonnes from Transaction 1
  • Lot Sample 2: 200 tonnes from Transaction 1 + 800 tonnes from Transaction 2
  • Lot Sample 3: 700 tonnes from Transaction 2 + 300 tonnes from Transaction 3
  • Lot Sample 4: 700 tonnes from Transaction 3

The sample settings determine whether the mass or original mass of the transactions is used. See Specify Sample Settings.

Package Samples for Discrete Unit Movements

Package samples are for discrete unit movements, where a single sample is created and associated with a selected package.

DU Lot Samples for Discrete Unit Movements

Discrete unit (DU) lot samples are specific to a single despatch order. The regime specifies the number of DU lot samples to be created, based upon a predefined net packaged material weight (default sample tonnes) and the total tonnage (sum of the quantity of each selected movement). DU lot samples may go across movements. For example:

  • Movement 1: 100 kilograms
  • Movement 2: 100 kilograms
  • Movement 3: 100 kilograms

If the default sample mass is 80, and all three movements are associated with the discrete unit lot sample regime, the following discrete unit lot samples are created:

  • Lot Sample 1: 80 kilograms from Movement 1
  • Lot Sample 2: 20 kilograms from Movement 1 + 60 kilograms from Movement 2
  • Lot Sample 3: 40 kilograms from Movement 2 + 40 kilograms from Movement 3
  • Lot Sample 4: 60 kilograms from Movement 3