Create a Manual Blend

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain manual blends security right in the Blending domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Blend Editor for a stock location in the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer; or right-click in the Blend Explorer and select New from the menu.
  2. Update the following fields as required.
    1. Blend Name
    2. Blend Date—Default: Current date/time. The blend date:
      • Cannot be a future date
      • Cannot be after the Closing Date of any selected destination or source stockpile
      • Cannot be before the Opening Date of an existing destination stockpile or any selected source stockpile
      • Cannot be a date that is before the latest archive date

      Note: Take care if you are editing an existing blend. For example, if you already have a source stockpile selected and you change the blend date to a date when that stockpile is not open, MineMarket deselects that source stockpile and deletes related transactions and surveys.

    3. Location—Select from stock locations defined in the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer. Default: The stock location in the Solution Explorer from which the screen was opened, if applicable. Read-only if any destination or source stockpile is selected.
  3. Select a destination stockpile:
    1. To search for an existing stockpile:
      1. Enter the whole or partial Stockpile Name if required to limit the search results.
      2. Click Search.
    2. To create a new stockpile:
      1. Right-click in the Destination Stockpile table and select New Stockpile from the menu.

        The stockpile is created as a WAG Stockpile with 0 initial mass. The Opening Date of the stockpile is set to the blend date.

      2. Update the Destination Stockpile name if required.
      3. Select the stockpile Category from the stockpile categories defined in the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer for the stock location.
    3. Update the UOM if required from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor. Default: The default UOM of the stock location for new stockpiles, or the UOM of the stockpile for existing stockpiles.

      Note: The selected UOM is used for all masses displayed for the destination and source stockpiles. If you change the UOM, MineMarket converts the displayed masses, including any masses you have already entered.

    4. Select the Mass Basis from Wet Mass (default) and Dry Mass.
    5. To delete a newly created destination stockpile, right-click the stockpile and select Delete Stockpile from the menu.
    6. Check Selected for the destination stockpile.

      Unselected stockpiles no longer display in the Destination Stockpile table. The selected destination stockpile displays in the Results table.

  4. Select source stockpiles:
    1. Enter the following search criteria as required.
      • Stockpile Name—Enter a whole or partial name.
      • Material Type—Select from the material types defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer. Filters stockpiles that have a material type specified in the header fields on the WAG Stockpile, FIFO Stockpile or LIFO Stockpile screen. The current product of the stockpiles is not considered.
      • Despatch Order—Enter a whole or partial name. Filters stockpiles that are the destination(s) of unloading transaction(s) associated with the despatch order(s).
    2. Click Search.

      WAG, FIFO and LIFO stockpiles that match the search criteria; are at the selected location; have a positive balance; and are open at the blend date display.

    3. Check Selected for the source stockpiles.

      The selected source stockpiles display in the Results table.

      Note: You can search multiple times with different search criteria. Selected stockpiles remain selected.

  5. To limit the displayed analyte assay values, select an analyte group or None in Show Analyte Group. Default: Show All Analytes.

    A column for each analyte displays in the Source Stockpiles table and the Results table. The moisture analyte (H2O) displays if any analyte group is selected, even if it is not in that analyte group.

  6. To use the blend to also create a survey for a source stockpile, in the Source Stockpiles table:
    1. Update the Wet Mass / Dry Mass if required.
    2. Update the Value for each analyte as required.

    Note: MineMarket uses the blend date minus 10 seconds as the survey date for source stockpiles. Survey values display in green text.

  7. For each selected source stockpile, update the Wet Mass To Blend / Dry Mass To Blend if required. Default: The mass of the stockpile at the blend date.

    MineMarket updates the Results table with a read-only row for each source.

  8. To use the blend to also create a survey for the destination stockpile, in the Destination row of the Results table:
    1. Update the Wet Mass, Dry Mass and H2O as required.

      Note: You can enter any two of these values and MineMarket calculates the third value. To change which value is read-only, right-click the value and select Calculated from the menu.

    2. Update the Value for each analyte as required.

    Note: MineMarket uses the blend date plus 10 seconds as the survey date for the destination stockpile. Survey values display in green text.

  9. Click Save.

    MineMarket creates the transactions, the process flow if required, and any required stockpile surveys.