Vessel and Shipment Configuration


Vessels are large ships (for example, bulk carriers or container ships) with multiple holds and hatches. In MineMarket, 'bulk vessels' can manage containers as well as bulk material. Each vessel has a set number of hatches which are used to store the transported material and act as a reference for the quality loaded onto the vessel.

When a vessel is used to despatch material, the despatch is known in MineMarket as a 'shipment'.

Vessel Types

Vessel types are generic categories defined in the Transport panel of the Solution Explorer for the purpose of grouping vessels with similar attributes; for example, bulk carriers or container carriers. All vessels configured in MineMarket must be belong to a vessel type.

Vessel Transport Classes

Vessels are configured based on their maximum tonnage. Vessel transport classes may be set up to represent classifications commonly used in international shipping; for example, Handysize, Panamax and Ultramax.

The vessel transport class defines the class, or range, of tonnage size of the type of vessel. A default lot tonnage can be specified for each vessel transport class. The default lot tonnage is used to determine the number of samples to be taken when lot sampling is performed.

Vessel Status

If the Bulk Vessel status definition exists, when you create a vessel, the vessel is assigned the initial status. This status definition controls whether the vessel is editable and selectable. See Status Definitions.

Vessel Conditions

Vessel conditions are a record of a vessel's suitability to load, and may include restrictions limited to a date range, or a summary of vessel inspections at port.

Draft Parameters

Transport draft parameters are a configurable measurement type, currently only applicable to shipments.

The depth to which a ship sinks in the water when loaded can be used to calculate the loaded mass. Shipment draft parameters allow several draft values and masses to be entered for a despatch route point for a shipment. Each despatch route point for a shipment can have only one reading per draft parameter.

The mass of a shipment draft parameter can be manually entered for the shipment, or it can be updated from a draft survey or an active loading plan.

Example: Port A has a shallow, tidal channel. All shipments leaving Port A need to have data entered for multiple draft parameters:

  • Actual Sailing Draft, with the mass updated from the draft survey
  • Planned Sailing Draft, with the mass updated from the active loading plan
  • Maximum Sailing Draft
  • Ideal Sailing Draft

Drafts can also be entered for ports. See Specify the Draft for a Port Location.


A shipment in MineMarket is a despatch of material by vessel. Despatching by vessel involves transporting bulk material or discrete units along a ship route from a loading location to an unloading location and all associated activities (for example, sampling). Despatch orders can be associated with a shipment to provide the link between sales or purchase contracts and the despatched material. Service charges can be added to calculate the costs of freight or other services that can be invoiced.

Shipments can be created from a template. The template defines the route and may define default process flows and stockpiles for loading and unloading transactions.

Shipment Templates

Shipment templates are used to create shipments for despatching material by vessel. A shipment template must specify a ship route; whether the route can be edited; and whether the template can be changed to a different shipment template. Shipment templates may specify additional information to simplify the creation of similar shipments.

A shipment template may specify:

  • A default loading process flow and stockpile, so that bulk material loading transactions can be created with one right-click menu option
  • A default unloading process flow and stockpile, so that bulk material unloading transactions can be either created with one right-click menu option or automatically created
  • Allowable stockpiles for loading and unloading, to limit which stockpiles can be used
  • Default transport event templates for each route point
  • Default draft parameters for each route point
  • Allowable contributors
  • Costs and service charges from service or freight contracts
  • Which tabs display on the Shipment
  • An opening survey

Shipment templates are categorised into shipment template groups. A shipment template must belong to a shipment template group.


A Datamine consultant recorded this video about shipment templates in MineMarket.