Load Discrete Units on a Train
A movement flow with the loading rail siding as a destination is required for train discrete unit (DU) loading. The train template may limit the available movement flows and source DU locations.
Security Note: You need the Allow train loading/unloading security right in the Trains domain security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Train.
- Ensure that the train structure has been defined for the train.
- Select the loading route point in the Route diagram.
- Ensure that Loading / Unloading in the train header field group is Loading. This setting depends on the route configuration. See Edit the Route of a Train.
- Select the Package Loading tab.
- To select packages:
- Right-click in the Movements table and select Load Packages from the menu.
The Package Loading screen displays with the Package Loading tab selected by default.
- Enter the following search criteria in the Criteria field group as required.
- Start Date—Default: Two months prior to the current date at 00:00:00.
- End Date—Default: The current date at 23:59:59.
- Product—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Storage Type—Product basis of packages. Select from Bulk Only and Packages Only.
- Name—Multiple names can be entered as a comma-separated list. Names can also be copied from a column of an Excel spreadsheet. When the clipboard contents are pasted into the Name field, MineMarket converts the data to a comma-separated list. When searching for multiple names, only exact matches are included in the search results. Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
- Location—Select from the discrete unit locations, discrete unit divisions, and despatch locations defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. Despatch locations are rail sidings, truck despatch locations, barge terminals and port locations.
- Batch—Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
- Click Search or press F3.
The Packages table displays packages that match the search criteria and:
- Have a selectable status (if the Package status definition exists)
- Are not in a package group
- Are at a location (potentially including on other despatches) where a movement flow exists between that location and the loading location
Rejected packages are red. Recycled packages are green.
- Check Selected for each package to be loaded.
- Right-click in the Movements table and select Load Packages from the menu.
- To select package groups:
- Right-click in the Movements table and select Load Package Groups from the menu.
The Package Group Loading screen displays with the Package Group Loading tab selected by default.
- Enter the following search criteria in the Criteria field group as required.
- Start Date
- End Date
- Product
- Storage Type—Storage type of package groups. Select from Bulk Only and Packages Only.
- Name
- Location
- Despatch Order—Select from the despatch orders associated with the despatch. If set to All, the search returns package groups associated with any despatch order that is on the despatch, and any package groups that are not associated with a despatch order. If set to a child despatch order, the search returns package groups associated with that child despatch order and its parent despatch order. If set to a parent despatch order, the search returns package groups associated with that parent despatch order and its child despatch orders.
- Click Search or press F3.
The Package Groups table displays package groups that match the search criteria and:
- Have a selectable status (if the Package Group status definition exists)
- Are at a location (potentially including on other despatches) where a movement flow exists between that location and the loading location
Package groups that have rejected packages are red. Package groups that have recycled packages are green. Package groups that have both rejected and recycled packages are red.
- To view the quality of package groups, right-click in the Package Groups table and select Show Analyte Group and the required option from the menu:
- Analyte groups, as defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer—A column for each analyte in the group displays.
- Show All Analytes—A column for each analyte that has data displays.
- Check Selected for each package group to be loaded.
- To select individual packages or child package groups within a parent package group, expand the parent package group in the Package Groups table and check Selected for each package or child package group to be loaded.
Note: Loading packages or child package groups from a parent package group unpacks them from the parent package group. If a package group has Keep Package Group Together checked, the packages and child package groups in the parent package group cannot be moved separately.
- Right-click in the Movements table and select Load Package Groups from the menu.
- Enter the Default Movement Date.
- Create the movements:
- If the Loading Type (in the header field group of the train) is By Rake, drag one of the selected packages or package groups to the train rake.
- If the Loading Type (in the header field group of the train) is By Wagon,
- Select the Wagons tab.
- Drag one of the selected packages or package groups to the required wagon.
Note: The Movements table on the Package Loading tab of the train displays a preview of the movements to be created.
- Click OK.
The Package Loading or Package Group Loading screen closes.
The Totals row in the Movements table displays quantities in the unit of measure of the first movement.
If Start Loading - Actual on the Route Plan tab is not yet defined for the route point, MineMarket updates it with the date and time of the first movement.
- Update the following details for each loading movement as required.
- Start Date
- End Date
- Despatch Order—Select from the despatch orders associated with the train. If there is only one despatch order, it is selected by default.
- Number Of Units—Editable for a package movement but read-only for a package group movement.
- Net Mass—Editable for a package movement but read-only for a package group movement. For packages with Preserve Tare Mass checked, do not edit the net mass here because the net mass is calculated from the gross mass and displays correctly on the Package, even though the Movements table does not display the calculated net mass.
- Gross Mass—Editable for a package movement but read-only for a package group movement.
- To assign the same despatch order to multiple movements:
- Check Selected for the movements or:
- Highlight the movements. (Click the first movement in the sequence, hold down Shift, then click the last movement in the sequence; or hold down Ctrl while clicking non-consecutive movements.)
- Right-click and select Select Highlighted Rows from the menu.
- Right-click and select Assign To Despatch Order » [Despatch Order] from the menu.
- Check Selected for the movements or:
- To delete a movement, right-click the movement and select Delete from the menu.
- To delete multiple movements:
- Check Selected for the movements.
- Right-click and select Delete from the menu.
- Click Save.