Enter Shipment Document Delivery Details
Record the bill of lading date for a shipment not as a shipment document, but rather on the Despatch Order. See Enter the Bill of Lading for a Shipment.
Security Note: Assuming you can view the shipment, no specific security right is required for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Shipment.
- Select the Documents sub-tab of the Marketing tab.
- Select the Date Time and enter the Courier Number for the following default documents as required.
- 14 day vessel notice
- 7 day vessel notice
- 3 day vessel notice
- 2 day vessel notice
- 24 hours vessel notice
- To add another document for the shipment:
- Right-click in the Documents table and select New » [Document Type] from the menu. Select from the Despatch & Despatch Order Documents list items defined in the List Editor.
- Select the Date Time and enter the Courier Number for the document.
- To add a document that is specific to a despatch order:
- Select the Despatch Order.
- Right-click in the Despatch Order Documents table and select New » [Document Type] from the menu. Select from the Despatch & Despatch Order Documents list items defined in the List Editor.
- Select the Date Time and enter the Courier Number for the document.
- Click Save.