View the Logistics Summary of a Despatch
The logistics summary includes transaction quantity and quality and contributor data.
Security Note: Assuming you can view the despatch, no specific security right is required for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Train, Truck Despatch, Service Trip or Shipment.
- Select the route point for which to view the summary.
- Select the Summary tab; or for a shipment, the Summary sub-tab of the State tab.
Activity values are the loaded or unloaded quantities at the selected route point.
Planned values are the results of a blend assignment. See Calculated Blends.
Analyte quality displays with one of the following symbols:
- AS—Assume Source
- AP—Assume Product
- AD—Assume Defaults
- AC—Assume Calculated
- The symbol of the result type of the highest confidence sample
- For a shipment, select whether the method to Display By is Despatch Order or Vessel Hold.
- Select whether to Show Analytes for the transactions. If checked, a column displays for each analyte that has quality data.
- If Show Analytes is checked, select whether to Show Analyte Content. If checked, a column displays for each analyte that has Show Content Basis checked in the Analyte Definition Editor. Disabled if no analytes are configured to show content basis.
- Select the Weight Basis from bases defined in the Basis Editor.
- To filter the transaction details by contributor, complete the following fields.
- Contributor Group—Select from the contributor groups defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Contributor Cut Off—Limit below which contributors are not assigned. Any contributors with a value lower than the cut-off value are consolidated and grouped under 'Others'. The default Contributor Cut Off value can be any number between 0.1 and 99.99%, but is typically between 1% and 5%.
The summarised tonnage details display for the contributors that have contributed a particular quantity to the total balance (that is, those that have only contributed a minor amount are filtered out) for the specified date range.