Specify Details for a Supply Ship
Security Note: You need the Allow supply ship maintenance security right in the Supply user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Supply Ship.
- Select the Details tab.
- Right-click and select New from the menu.
- To add a supply material:
- Right-click in the Supply Materials table and select New from the menu.
- Select a Supply Material from the drop-down list.
- Specify the Mass, Volume or Number Of Units as required.
- To add a draft reading:
- Right-click in the Draft Readings table and select New from the menu.
- Update the following fields as required.
- Start Date—Default: The Actual End Loading date if available, or else the Actual Start Loading date if available, or else the current date.
- End Date
- Draft Surveyor—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer and that have the Organisation Role of Draft Surveyors.
- Surveyor Contact—Select from the contacts associated with the Draft Surveyor.
- Description
- FWD—Draft reading from the forward section of the supply ship.
- AFT—Draft reading from the aft section of the supply ship.
- MID—Draft reading from the mid-section of the supply ship.
- UOM—Select from the Length units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
- To add a vessel operator:
- Right-click in the Vessel Operators table and select New from the menu.
- Select a Transport Operator from the vessel operators defined on the Transport panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Click Save.