Invoice Types

Different invoice types (also known as 'invoice iteration types') are used for certain purposes and at certain points in time as contracted goods or services are delivered by a seller or provider to a buyer. For example, a Proforma invoice may be provided to a buyer but not require payment; a Prepayment invoice may require payment from an organisation under credit control before goods are shipped; a Provisional invoice typically requires payment even if weights, assays and pricing might not yet be finalised; and a Final invoice is raised after goods or services are delivered and all required information is available.

The Proforma, Prepayment, Provisional and Final invoice types are default types and cannot be deleted. Custom invoice types can be created if required. Each invoice type can have a specified number of iterations, and configuration includes settings such as whether payment is due, how journals are to be created, or whether weights, assays and prices can be overridden in the invoice.

A custom invoice type is required for accrual invoices in Despatch Order Splitting.

There is a strict hierarchy to invoice types, such that if an invoice type with lower precedence is being generated, and more confident pricing exists in an invoice configuration of a higher invoice type, the prices from the higher invoice iteration are applied. For example, if both a provisional and a final invoice type are defined, when an invoice is created, the system always uses the invoice type of the best price that can be calculated. If final prices cannot be evaluated (for example, if the price series does not exist or the date period cannot be evaluated to determine the price), the final invoice is flagged as not able to be generated. If generating a provisional invoice, the final pricing is first evaluated, and if it evaluates successfully, it is then used in favour of the provisional pricing. However, it is possible to force pricing in an earlier quotation pricing configuration to be used if required.

The hierarchy of invoice types is defined by the order of invoice types on the Invoice Types screen, where the top of the list is of lowest precedence, and the bottom of the list is of highest precedence.

Each contract must have a Final invoice type configured.

Important: The invoice types can only be edited if the Invoice Report Template Path has been specified in the MineMarket Service Config screen. See the MineMarket Installation Guide for more information.