
Taxes are levies, duties, and other charges that mining operations must pay to local, regional, or national governments. This could also include the management of royalties owed for extracting resources.

In MineMarket, tax configuration can be added to sales, purchase, freight, service and finance contracts; and to cost templates, costs and budgeted costs.


Tax Basis

If Tax Determination is by:

  • PercentageBasis can be selected from:
    • Invoice Total—Tax is calculated with the formula Invoice Value * Tax %
    • Payable Total—Tax is calculated with the formula Payable Amount * Tax %
    • Incremental Value—Tax is calculated with the formula (Invoice Value – Previous Invoice Value ) * Tax %
  • Value Per MassBasis can be selected from:
    • Gross Mass—Wet mass of the material
    • Net Mass—Dry mass of the material

Examples: The following examples assume that in the set of contract terms, Payment Term Concept is:

  • Total Amount for the Payable Total and Invoice Total examples
  • Net Amount Before Adding Tax for the Incremental Value example

The combination of Payment Term Concept = Net Amount Before Adding Tax and Tax Basis = Incremental Basis makes the maximum tax payable in the provisional invoice.

Provisional Invoice

Basis Invoice Value Payable Percentage Payable Amount Tax Formula Tax Formula Tax Value Total Tax Value Total Due Amount
Payable Total 1000 90% 900 Payable Amount * Tax % 900 * 10% 90 90 990
Invoice Total 1000 90% 900 Invoice Value * Tax % 1000 * 10% 100 100 990
Incremental Value 1000 90% 900 (Invoice Value – Previous Invoice Value) * Tax % (1000 – 0) * 10% 100 100 1000

Final Invoice

Basis Invoice Value Payable Percentage Payable Amount Tax Formula Tax Formula Tax Value Total Tax Value Total Due Amount
Payable Total 1200 100% 300 Payable Amount * Tax % 300 * 10% 30 120 330
Invoice Total 1200 100% 300 Invoice Value * Tax % 1200 * 10% 120 120 330
Incremental Value 1200 100% 300 (Invoice Value – Previous Invoice Value) * Tax % (1200 – 1000) * 10% 20 120 320

Tax Decimals and Rounding

Rounding rules are applied to taxes by specifying the number of decimal places used for tax values and the rounding method.

Rounding Method C# Function Name Calculated Tax Value Rounded to 1 Decimal Place Rounded to 2 Decimal Places Rounded to 3 Decimal Places
Round MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero 1.9455 1.9 1.95 1.946
Round Up Math.Ceiling 1.9455 2.0 1.95 1.946
Round Down Math.Floor 1.9455 1.9 1.94 1.945


A Datamine consultant recorded this video about taxes in MineMarket.