View a Toll Account Summary
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view the Toll Accounts screen security right in the Menu user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Toll Accounts screen.
- Select the toll account category in the Toll Account Categories field group.
- Select the toll account in the Toll Accounts field group.
- Select the Summary tab.
- To limit the summary data by date range:
- Enter the Start Date and End Date in the Criteria field group.
- Click Refresh.
- The toll account summary displays with the following read-only fields:
- Content—Analyte associated with the toll account.
- Opening Balance—Opening balance of material in the toll account.
- Total In—Total of all amounts added to the toll account.
- Total Out—Total of all amounts of material removed from the toll account.
- Adjustments—Adjustments made to the quantity of material in the toll account due to a survey being performed.
- Closing Balance—Closing balance of material in the toll account.