Cash Forecast Reports

Purpose and Scope

In any business it is very important to have an idea how much money will be received and how much money needs to be paid. Mining is no exception.

The purpose of the cash forecast is to present a summary of when money is due and how much needs to be paid or received within a specified date period.

A cash forecast report can be for sales contracts, purchase contracts, or for both. If both contract types are selected, the cash forecast report displays the net quantity; that is, sales minus purchase. Even if only one contract type is selected, due amounts display as positive for sales, and negative for purchases. Results of the report may be viewed in detail, as a summary, or as a summary chart.


A cash forecast report includes:

  • Unpaid amounts that are due within the specified date range from (locked and unlocked) sales, purchase, demurrage invoices, and credit notes and debit notes
  • Optionally, unpaid amounts that are due within the specified date range from freight, freight commission, freight demurrage, freight demurrage commission, service, and service demurrage invoices
  • Optionally, overdue amounts as of the report start date
  • Estimated amounts (revenue, and optionally costs) that are due in the specified date range, as calculated by the MineMarket Marketing Service in invoice-specific despatch order (DO) snapshots
  • Optionally, actual payments up to a selected comparison date
  • Optionally, amounts in contract quota balances (that is, the amounts that are not yet included in the despatch orders in the quotas)

For aggregated parent despatch orders (APDOs) or split parent despatch orders (SPDOs):

  • If the invoicing is aggregated by APDO/SPDO, the APDO/SPDO is included in the cash forecast report, and the child despatch orders (CDOs) are excluded.
  • If the invoicing is by CDO, the CDOs are included in the cash forecast report, and the APDO/SPDO is excluded.

For consignment parent despatch orders (CPDOs), the CDOs are included in the cash forecast report, and the CPDO is excluded.


Invoices, credit notes, and debit notes are excluded from the cash forecast report if they do not match the parameters of the report.

A DO is excluded from the cash forecast report if:

  • The DO does not match the parameters of the report.
  • The DO has no associated contract term.
  • The DO is cancelled.
  • The invoice-specific snapshots have not been processed by the MineMarket Marketing Service. Information from default snapshots is not used by cash forecast reports.

Configuration and Processing

Where invoices do not yet exist for a DO, cash forecast reports use data from invoice-specific snapshots. Snapshots are calculated by the MineMarket Marketing Service. The creation of invoice-specific snapshots must be configured in the snapshot settings on the Options screen. Likewise, contract quota snapshots must be enabled to include quota balances in the cash forecast reports.

Snapshots must be reprocessed by the MineMarket Marketing Service to have the required data for inclusion in cash forecast reports.

Currency Conversions

If the primary currency from the snapshot or invoice matches the currency of the cash forecast report, the report uses the values in the primary currency.

If the secondary currency from the snapshot or invoice matches the currency of the cash forecast report, the Report uses the values in the secondary currency.

If neither currency from the snapshot or invoice matches the currency of the cash forecast report, the values from the primary currency are converted to the report currency.


The results of a cash forecast report are generated when the report is executed.


In the detailed report, one row displays for every despatch order with an amount due or expected to be due within with the report date range. The following columns display:

  • Company
  • District
  • Organisation
  • Contract
  • Despatch Order—Not applicable for contract quota balances.
  • Quota
  • Loading Location
  • Unloading Location
  • Service Activity—Name of the activity for a service or freight contract rate. Only applicable if the Include Freight/Service Costs parameter is checked.
  • Service Origin—Origin of a freight contract rate, or location of a service contract rate. Only applicable if the Include Freight/Service Costs parameter is checked.
  • Service Destination—Destination of a freight contract rate. Only applicable if the Include Freight/Service Costs parameter is checked.
  • Material Type
  • Product
  • Status—Possible statuses:
    • Actual—Data is from an invoice.
    • Estimated—Data is from an invoice-specific snapshot.
    • Unbudgeted—Data is from a payment that was made in the period but was not planned when the cash forecast report was executed. Only applicable if Compare Forecast With Actual Payments is checked.
  • Wet Mass
  • Dry Mass
  • Unit
  • Transport Name
  • Invoice Type
  • Invoice Iteration
  • Invoice Number
  • Total Value
  • Total Revenue—Product pricing invoice line items and payable analyte invoice line items.
  • Total Charges—Contract charge invoice line items.
  • Total Services—Rate detail invoice line items related to service contracts. Service invoices are not included, but rather, it includes services that are included as charges in the (sales or purchase) invoice.
  • Total Freight—Rate detail invoice line items related to freight contracts. Freight invoices are not included, but rather, it includes freight charges that are included as charges in the (sales or purchase) invoice.
  • Total Other Charges—Dynamic line items included in the invoice; and demurrage commission and freight demurrage commission invoice line items.
  • Total Demurrage—Demurrage and despatch invoice line items.
  • Total Before Tax
  • Total Tax Value
  • Payable Percentage
  • Original Due Amount
  • Due Date
  • Due Amount
  • Paid Amount—Only applicable if Compare Forecast With Actual Payments is checked.


In the summarised report, the values are aggregated by time period and optionally by additional summary fields. The paid amount for each date period and selected combination of summary fields can be displayed.

Summary Chart

The summary chart is a graphical representation of the summary view coloured by forecast status or value type:

When viewing only cash forecast data, estimated values from the despatch order snapshots are red and actual values from invoices are green.

When comparing the cash forecast with actual payments, the cash forecast values are red and the actual payments are blue.