Create a Volatility Curve
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain volatility curves security right in the Marketing user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Volatility Curves screen.
- To create a volatility curve:
- Right-click in the Volatility Curves table and select New from the menu.
Table of volatility curves.
- Update the name of the Volatility Curve if required.
- Complete the following fields.
- Market—Select from the markets defined in the Market/Commodity Editor.
- Commodities—Select from the commodities defined in the Market/Commodity Editor.
- Unit—Unit of measure in which the volatility curve values are entered. Set to percentage (%).
- Entry Frequency—Select from Day, Week, Month and Quarter. This field is read-only if any values have been entered for the volatility curve.
- If the entry frequency is Day, Week or Month, select the Calendars to determine non-working days if required. Select from the calendars defined in the Calendar Editor. If multiple calendars are selected:
- All calendars are used to determine non-working days.
- Only the first calendar is used to determine the start of week day or start of month date.
This field is read-only if any values have been entered for the volatility curve.
- Right-click in the Volatility Curves table and select New from the menu.
- To enter values for a volatility curve:
- Select the curve in the Volatility Curves table.
- Select the Start Date and End Date.
The Effective Start dates display for the selected date range and the volatility curve's entry frequency.
- Enter the Value for each effective start date.
Superseded (older) values are useful only as an historical record. Only a single value is effective for a given date and the market and commodities of the volatility curve.
- To reuse a value for other dates, right-click the Value and select Copy To Dates With No Value from the menu.
- To delete a volatility curve, right-click the curve in the Volatility Curves table and select Delete from the menu.
- Click Save.