Hedge Action Groups

A hedge action group can be created to organise hedge positions that are related. This grouping facilitates operations with multiple hedge positions, such as unwinding or carrying forward/back. The group reference can be used in the search criteria for hedge positions.

Hedge Positions in a Group

The hedge positions in the hedge action group can have different contract types and be for different market commodities. Optionally, the group can be limited to a single market or commodity.

A single hedge position can be in multiple hedge action groups.

Existing hedge positions can be added to a group, and new hedge positions can be created from within the group.

Hedge Action Groups from Options Contract Execution

MineMarket creates a hedge action group automatically when an options contract is executed. The group has two hedge positions:

  1. The options contract
  2. The related futures contract, which MineMarket creates when the options contract is executed

These hedge positions cannot be removed from the group.

If the execution of the options contract is undone, the related futures contract and the hedge action group are deleted.

Hedge Action Group Locking

Locking a hedge action group prevents:

  • Hedge action group details being edited
  • Hedge positions being added to, created in, or removed from the group

Locking a group does not lock the hedge positions within the group.


Despatch orders, quotas and quota quotation period (QP) lines can be allocated to single hedge positions, but not to the group as a whole.

Valuations and Settlements

Valuations and settlements are only created for individual hedge positions in the group, not for the group as a whole.