Schedule Automatic Hedge Revaluations

Multiple schedules can be configured for each hedge revaluation stream. On any given date, if two or more schedules are configured to run, only the schedule with the highest priority is run.

When a schedule is run:

  1. MineMarket creates a hedge revaluation within the stream and sends it to the MineMarket Marketing Service to run.
  2. The MineMarket Marketing Service calculates the valuations or settlements for all open positions that match the parameters of the hedge revaluation.

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view hedge revaluations and Allow the user to maintain hedge revaluations security rights in the Intelligent Reporting domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Hedge Revaluation Stream.
  2. Select the Scheduling tab.
  3. Select the Time Of Execution at which the revaluation with the highest priority will start.
  4. To send an email if a scheduled revaluation has an error:
    1. Check Email Alert On Failure.
    2. Enter the Email Addresses to which to send the alert.
    3. Enter the Email Subject line.
    4. Enter any Email Free Text that should be included in the body of the email.

    Note: Enter multiple addresses as a comma-separated list, or click the ellipsis (...) to display a larger field for address editing. The maximum length is 2000 characters. To configure other required email settings, see Configure Email Notifications.

  5. To create a schedule:
    1. Right-click in the Schedules table and select New from the menu.
    2. Edit the Name if required.
    3. Select the Frequency from Monthly (default), Weekly and Daily.
    4. Enter a Days Offset if required. Entering an offset means that the revaluation will use data from an earlier date. For example, if the revaluation runs on 21 April with an offset of one day, the revaluation date is 20 April.
    5. If the Frequency is Monthly, select the Reference Date. Select from:

      Note: Accounting periods may be configured to include a buffer at the beginning of the following month (for example, the January accounting period could be 6 January to 5 February). The hedge revaluation runs at the end of the period (5 February), but the Revaluation Date is automatically considered to be the end of the active month (31 January). Hedge positions from 1–6 February are not included.

    6. If the Frequency is Weekly or Daily, select the Days. A single day can be selected for a weekly schedule. Multiple days can be selected for a daily schedule.
    7. Select whether to Mark As Draft.
    8. Select whether to Lock After Completion. Whether to lock the hedge revaluation after the run is complete. A scheduled hedge revaluation can run even if the previous hedge revaluation is unlocked.
  6. To change the Priority of a schedule, right-click the schedule and select Move Up or Move Down from the menu. On any given date, if two or more schedules are configured to run, only the schedule with the highest priority (Priority=1) is run.
  7. To delete a schedule, right-click the schedule and select Delete from the menu.
  8. To enable the automatic hedge revaluations, check Automatic Execution.

    The date of the Next Run displays. This date is recalculated if the Reference Date is based on the active accounting period, and the dates of the accounting period are changed, or a different accounting period is made active.

  9. Click Save.