Declaration Date Notification Billboard

The Declaration Date Notification billboard displays the despatch orders with an undeclared quotation pricing (QP) line, and for which the Declare By date is equal to or earlier than a selected date.

This billboard is only relevant to despatch orders for contracts where the final QP certainty is unknown or optional. The billboard is also only applicable to despatch orders for which the quotation pricing is used in invoice calculations. For example, if an aggregated parent despatch order (PDO) has Invoice Together checked and Aggregation Method set to Average, only the PDO displays in the billboard. Quotation pricing is not relevant to the child despatch orders (CDOs). However, if Invoice Together is unchecked on the PDO, or if the Aggregation Method is Sum or None, only the CDOs display in the billboard.

The billboard definition is stored in the DeclarationDateNotification.xml file.

Billboard Parameter

By default, the billboard displays data applicable to the current date. However, a different date can be selected if required.

Billboard Columns

The billboard displays the following columns.

For contracts with product pricing, each despatch order is a single row. For contracts with analyte pricing, each despatch order may have multiple rows: one for each payable analyte.



Declaration Date

Declaration date for the QP.

Despatch Order

Name of the despatch order.


Name of the contract.

Contract Product

Name of the contract product.

Payable Analyte

Name of the payable analyte.

Only applicable for contracts with analyte pricing.