Create a Centric Analytics Warehouse Connection from MineMarket
This activity describes how to create a Centric Analytics Warehouse connection from within MineMarket using a report connection.
A Centric Analytics Warehouse connection for MineMarket integration is required before you can create an analytics connection and map analysis objects. If an Analytics Warehouse connection has already been created in the Centric application, this activity is not required.
Security Note: You need the Allow Report Connection maintenance security right in the Reporting user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Select the Reporting panel in the Solution Explorer.
- Expand the Connections node.
- Right-click the Connections node and select New » Report Connection from the menu.
The Report Connection screen displays the new connection.
- Update the Name of the report connection if required.
- Update the following fields as required.
- Connection Type—Select SQLServerNative.
- Data Source—The name of the SQL Server to which to connect.
- Timeout—Length of time, in seconds, that a select statement is given to execute. Default: 300.
- Initial Catalog
- Uncheck Use Integrated Security.
- Enter the User ID and Password.
- Click Test Connection.
A message box displays the test result.
- If the connection is not successful, determine the correct settings or contact your network administrator or Datamine representative.
- If the connection is successful, click OK.
- Click Save.