Set up a Task Pane Template

Security Note: You need the Allow task pane template maintenance security right in the Task Pane domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Task Pane Templates node.
  3. Right-click a task pane template group and select New » Task Pane Template from the menu.

    The Task Pane Template displays.

  4. Update the name of the task pane template node if required.
  5. Create at least one task pane group:
    1. Right-click in the task pane template and select Add Group from the menu.
    2. Right-click the task pane group and select Rename Group from the menu.
    3. Enter the name of the task pane group.
  6. Add at least one node or web page to each task pane group.
    1. To add a node:
      1. Select a node on a panel in the Solution Explorer that can be contained in a task pane group.
      2. Drag the node onto the name of the task pane group on the Task Pane Template screen.
      3. To display the node's screen in a dedicated tab when the MineMarket Client opens, right-click the node name in the task pane group and select Show When Opening MineMarket Client from the menu.

        Note: The names of nodes with Show When Opening MineMarket Client selected display in bold text.

    2. To add a web page:
      1. Right-click the task pane group and select Add Web Page from the menu.

        The Web Page Address screen displays.

      2. Update the following fields:
        • Name—The web page display name.
        • Associated URL—The web page address.
        • Show When Opening MineMarket Client—If selected, the web page displays in a dedicated tab when the MineMarket Client opens.

        Note: The names of web pages display in underlined text and those with Show When Opening MineMarket Client selected display in bold text.

  7. Click Save.