Set up an Historical Data Set Template
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain the configuration of historical data security right in the Base Data user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Historical Set Configuration screen.
- To manage parameters for the template:
- To add a parameter to the template:
- Click the Add icon.
- Enter the Name of the parameter.
- Select the Value Data Type:
- String—The data entered can be any string, up to a limit of 1024 characters in length.
- Boolean—The data entry has of the form of a checkbox, and has two states: true or false.
- Double—The data entered is a numeric type with decimal places, and can be positive or negative.
- DateTime—The data entered is a data-time value.
- Integer—The data entered is a 32-bit integer value, both positive and negative are allowed.
- If the Value Data Type is Integer or Double, enter a Format String if required.
Example: #,###.## represents display two decimal places, and include thousands separators.
- To reorder parameters in the list, select a parameter and click the Arrow Up icon or Arrow Down icon as required.
- To delete a parameter from the template, select a parameter and click the Delete icon.
- To add a parameter to the template:
- To manage objects for the template:
- To associate the template with an object:
- Locate the object in the Solution Explorer.
- Drag the object into the Objects Associated With This Configuration table.
This adds a parameter to the bottom of the parameter list, indicating that the Name object of type Object Type is now associated with the template.
- To disassociate an object from the template:
- Select the object item.
- Right-click in the Objects Associated With This Configuration table and select Remove from the menu.
- To disassociate all objects from the template, right-click in the Objects Associated With This Configuration table and select Remove All from the menu.
- To associate the template with an object:
- Click Save.