Set up an Historical Data Set Template

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain the configuration of historical data security right in the Base Data user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Historical Set Configuration screen.
  2. To manage parameters for the template:
    1. To add a parameter to the template:
      1. Click the Add icon.
      2. Enter the Name of the parameter.
      3. Select the Value Data Type:
        • String—The data entered can be any string, up to a limit of 1024 characters in length.
        • Boolean—The data entry has of the form of a checkbox, and has two states: true or false.
        • Double—The data entered is a numeric type with decimal places, and can be positive or negative.
        • DateTime—The data entered is a data-time value.
        • Integer—The data entered is a 32-bit integer value, both positive and negative are allowed.
      4. If the Value Data Type is Integer or Double, enter a Format String if required.

        Example: #,###.## represents display two decimal places, and include thousands separators.

    2. To reorder parameters in the list, select a parameter and click the Arrow Up icon or Arrow Down icon as required.
    3. To delete a parameter from the template, select a parameter and click the Delete icon.
  3. To manage objects for the template:
    1. To associate the template with an object:
      1. Locate the object in the Solution Explorer.
      2. Drag the object into the Objects Associated With This Configuration table.

        This adds a parameter to the bottom of the parameter list, indicating that the Name object of type Object Type is now associated with the template.

    2. To disassociate an object from the template:
      1. Select the object item.
      2. Right-click in the Objects Associated With This Configuration table and select Remove from the menu.
    3. To disassociate all objects from the template, right-click in the Objects Associated With This Configuration table and select Remove All from the menu.
  4. Click Save.