View the Audit History for a MineMarket Object

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view audit trails security right in the Options user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Perform one of the following steps.
    1. Right-click a MineMarket object in the Solution Explorer and select View Audit History from the menu.
    2. Display the Property Window for a MineMarket object and click the View Audit History hyperlink.

    The Audit Explorer displays.

    The Object Types and Object IDs fields in the search criteria are read-only.

  2. To limit the search to a date range, update the Start Date and End Date.
  3. Click Search or press F3.

    By default, the audit records are sorted by Change Date in descending order. You can filter the data displayed in this table. See Sort, Filter and Group Data in Tables. Alternatively, you can enter Search Text to search all data fields of the audit records and all metadata (who did what and when). You can enter partial text strings, and the search is case-insensitive.

    New objects start at version 0 and the Version is incremented for each subsequent change. Deleted objects have a version of -1.

    Possible values for the Action are Insert, Update, Delete and Merge.

    In addition to the configured users in the system, there is also a User called the 'SYSTEM USER' that is responsible for audited changes made by the MineMarket Server.

  4. To view related audit records, select the audit record in the Audit Records table.

    For example, if a user changed the status of a despatch order, you could view audit records for the despatch order. The status change displays among the related audit records.

    The most recent related record of each property displays, even if the related record is outside the date range of the search criteria.

    A tooltip on the Property Name displays the object type of the related record. Hover the mouse pointer over the field to display the tooltip.

  5. To search for audit records for the object type of a related audit record, right-click the audit record in the Related Audit Records table and select Search For This Object Type from the menu.
  6. To view the audit record details, select the audit record in the Audit Records or Related Audit Records table.

    Note: For insertions and deletions, the full object details display. For updates, only the differences between the current and the previous version display.