Specify Trading Settings

The MineMarket Marketing Service must be enabled for trade profit and loss (P&L) snapshots to be calculated and copied ('archived').

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain Trading settings security right in the Options user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Options screen.
  2. Select the Trading tab.
  3. Select whether to Create Copy Of Trade Profit And Loss.

    If checked:

    • The MineMarket Marketing Service creates a copy of trade P&L snapshots from the previous day if the snapshots have not been recalculated already that day.
    • The Trade Explorer can display historical P&L (both total P&L and mark-to-market (MTM) values) for trades.
    • The Trade Detail can display MTM values for each P&L line item.
    • Profit and Loss reports can be created with journal items.

    If unchecked:

    • MTM values are not available in the Trade Explorer.
    • Only the most recently calculated total P&L can be viewed for trades in the Trade Explorer.
    • The Trade Detail can only display the most recently calculated P&L snapshot for the trade.

    Historical P&L data is no longer copied if:

    • The quantity of the mark-to-market trade is zero.
    • A final invoice exists for both the purchase despatch order and the sales despatch order in the trade, and control has passed from seller to buyer for both despatch orders. However, if a despatch order snapshot or related hedging valuation changes (for example, if a new price affects the snapshot), the flash P&L is recalculated. If the P&L has changed, the P&L is copied as an historical (official) P&L for that date.

    Default: Checked.

  4. If Create Copy Of Trade Profit And Loss is checked:
    1. Update the Create Copy Every Day At time when trade P&L snapshots are to be copied ('archived') from the previous day if they have not been recalculated already on the current day. The recommended time is early in the morning, so that data is available for all trades for the current day in the Trade Explorer. Default: 00:00 (midnight).
    2. Enter a Cut-Off Time if required. This time controls how the archive date is determined. If left blank, the archive date of snapshots is the date and time at which copying ('archiving') occurs. If the archiving runs later than the cut-off time, the archive date of snapshots is the date on which archiving occurs. If the archiving runs at the same time as or earlier than the cut-off time, both the P&L date and the archive date of snapshots is the previous date. For example, if the cut-off time is 9:30:00 and the archiving runs at 9:00:00 on 16 July, the snapshots have a P&L date and an archive date of 15 July and no time displays for the archive date.

    Note: These times are the time on the MineMarket Server.

  5. Select whether to Require Contract Approval For Trading.

    If checked, only despatch orders of contracts with Approved For Trading checked can be included in trades with other despatch orders. This checkbox is on the Contract Settings node of the contract. If the contract is not approved for trading, its despatch orders do not display on the Trade Explorer, and trades cannot be created from the despatch order's Trading tab.

    If unchecked, the Approved For Trading checkbox on sales and purchase contracts has no effect.

    Default: Unchecked.

  6. Update the Trade Explorer Data Retrieval Threshold if required. This setting limits the profit and loss data that can be retrieved when searching in the Trade Explorer. Default: 10,000.

    For example, if there are 5000 trades, searching for more than 2 days of historical data would exceed this default threshold.

  7. Click Close.
  8. Click Save.